What is Digital Mindfulness?

Tracy E. McDowell
3 min readFeb 23, 2023

Digital mindfulness refers to the practice of being present and mindfully engaged with our digital devices and the online world. It is the practice of bringing awareness and intentionality to our digital interactions, as well as taking steps to reduce the negative impacts of our lives. We will explore the history and value of digital mindfulness, as well as its similarities to digital wellness.

History of Digital Mindfulness

The concept of mindfulness has its roots in ancient meditation practices that originated in the Buddhist tradition. It has since been adapted and adopted by various communities and individuals, and in recent years, it has been applied to the digital realm.

As the use of technology has become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, the need for digital mindfulness has become more pressing. In 2009, Google created a program called “Search Inside Yourself” that introduced mindfulness to its employees. Since then, many companies and organizations have followed suit, recognizing the benefits of mindfulness in the workplace.

Digital Feng Shui is one such practice that schools and corporations are seeking to teach their students and employees best practices for achieving digital balance.

Value of Digital Mindfulness

There are several benefits to practicing digital mindfulness. A primary benefit is that mindfulness (in any form) helps reduce stress and anxiety. This is especially true with digital devices overwhelmed caused by the constant bombardment of notifications and information.

“By being more intentional about how we use our devices, we can create a more positive and productive digital experience.” ~ Tracy McDowell, Digital Feng Shui Teacher

Digital mindfulness is proven circumstantially to also enhance mindfulness and be more present in our offline lives. By reducing our reliance on technology and focusing on the present moment, we can strengthen our relationships with others and enhance our overall well-being.

Additionally, digital mindfulness, like a digital feng shui practice, can help one become more aware of their digital habits and take steps to reduce their screen time (read how) and online distractions. This, in turn, can help one to be more productive and focused in their work and personal life.

Similarities to Digital Wellness

Digital mindfulness and digital wellness are closely related concepts that inform Digital Feng Shui. Both focus on the need to create a healthy and balanced relationship with technology. While digital mindfulness is more focused on the practice of being present and intentional in our digital interactions, digital wellness encompasses a broader range of practices that promote healthy technology use (learn more about digital wellness).

Digital wellness, specifically the Digital Wellness Institute’s Digital Flourishing Model informed digital feng shui to include practices like setting boundaries around technology use, taking breaks from screens, and creating a positive digital environment. These practices complement digital mindfulness and work together to create a more sustainable and healthy relationship with technology.

In conclusion, digital mindfulness is an important practice to incorporate daily in the Digital Age to help navigate the challenges of our digital world. By being intentional and present in our digital interactions, we can reduce stress and anxiety, be more productive, and enhance our overall well-being. If these sounds similar to digital wellness it is because digital mindfulness is closely related. Think of it this way, digital mindfulness walked so that digital wellness could run. Digital wellness addresses a broader range of practices that promote healthy technology use but is deeply rooted in the Buddhist ideal of mindfulness and presence. Together, digital mindfulness, digital wellness, and digital feng shui help to create a more positive and sustainable relationship with technology moving forward.

This article is origionally published on Nested Feng Shui



Tracy E. McDowell

Digital Feng Shui Teacher & Speaker. Balance to Transform. Feng Shui + Digital Wellness writings about organic optimization for success.