AI Bias and Fairness in Healthcare: A Roadmap to Responsible AI Implementation.

Tracy Mokwe Chidera
4 min readAug 10, 2023


Possessed Photography Unsplash

The golden age of digital health is not approaching; it has already arrived.

Artificial intelligence in the healthcare industry is transformative, revolutionary, and ground-breaking. With the steady growth of healthcare needs, it is no surprise the healthcare industry has turned to technology to help address those needs. In recent years AI has played a significant role in healthcare and its delivery, notably enhanced diagnostics, precision medicine, practical administrative tasks, clinical research, and public health and outbreak management. With the market size of AI in healthcare projected to grow from $14.6 billion in 2023 to $102.7 billion in 2028, it is no wonder why it is the crown jewel of digital health’s golden age.

Despite its unique position and benefits, the issue of bias and fairness around Artificial intelligence has been of particular concern. Healthcare providers and patients are understandably worried about the inherent AI bias due to pre-existing health inequities. As we adopt Artificial Intelligence into the healthcare industry, it is crucial to understand the underbellies of AI bias and fairness and how we can tackle it to ensure equal treatment and experiences amongst patients.


AI bias occurs when machine learning algorithms produce results that systematically and unfairly discriminate against specific individuals or groups. It’s like a virtual bias, often influenced by the predilections present in the data used to train the system. In healthcare, this could mean misdiagnosing certain conditions regularly in specific demographics or recommending treatments that favor one group over another.

AI. bias is multi-faceted, affecting patients along gender, race, and age lines. In 2020, a study published in PNAS revealed that gender disparities within the training data of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems resulted in reduced accuracy for underrepresented groups. To put it differently, if the CAD system predominantly learned from male X-rays during training, it exhibited significantly decreased diagnostic accuracy when analyzing X-rays from females.

Medical devices with racial bias, such as pulse oximeters, led to treatment delays for individuals with darker skin tones during the Covid-19 pandemic due to the devices overestimating blood oxygen levels in minority populations. Patient triage systems have also underestimated the need for urgent care for minorities due to a biased training data set. Age can also be a factor as well. Consider an AI-driven diagnostic tool designed to detect early signs of heart disease. If the training dataset predominantly consists of data from middle-aged adults, the algorithm might become biased toward identifying risk factors and symptoms more commonly observed in that age group. As a result, when applied to older patients, who often present different symptoms and risk factors, the algorithm might provide inaccurate results.

The consequences of AI bias in healthcare are far-reaching and can be catastrophic. With accessibility being one of the main problems poised to be solved by AI in healthcare, algorithms should be trained with a robust and diverse data set to improve patient outcomes across the board.


To ensure AI in healthcare is fair and free of any pre-existing biases, consider the roadmap below:

  • Diverse and Representative Data: The foundation of mitigating AI bias lies in the quality of training data. To ensure fairness, training datasets should encompass a diverse range of demographic groups, capturing variations in age, gender, race, and socioeconomic status. This enables AI models to learn patterns that generalize across populations.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Post-deployment monitoring is crucial to assess AI performance and detect bias over time. Regularly evaluate outcomes across different demographic groups to identify and rectify potential bias. This iterative process ensures that the AI system remains equitable as societal dynamics evolve.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Addressing AI bias requires collaboration between computer scientists, healthcare professionals, ethicists, and social scientists. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that technical solutions align with ethical considerations and real-world healthcare practices.
  • Explainability and Transparency: Enhance the transparency of AI decision-making processes. Develop methods that allow healthcare professionals to interpret how AI arrives at specific recommendations. Transparent AI fosters trust enables bias detection, and facilitates human oversight.
  • Ethical Guidelines and Regulations: Establish comprehensive guidelines and regulations governing AI deployment in healthcare. These frameworks should emphasize fairness, equity, and accountability, guiding developers and healthcare practitioners toward responsible AI use.
  • Human Oversight and Collaboration: Recognize AI as a tool that complements human expertise rather than replacing it. Implement mechanisms for human oversight, where healthcare professionals validate AI-generated insights and make informed decisions.
  • Bias Mitigation Techniques: Employ advanced techniques designed to mitigate bias during AI model development. Strategies such as reweighted training data, algorithmic adjustments, and fairness-aware learning can help counteract bias and enhance fairness.


Artificial Intelligence is the most important tool we presently have to address healthcare needs. The journey ahead is exciting but must be approached with caution. Ensuring that pre-existing health in-equities are not exacerbated is crucial to the success of AI-powered healthcare solutions. Founders are encouraged to work back from the patients to the solutions by addressing the pain points of various groups and using a diverse data set to ensure that no group is at a disadvantage. Remember, healthcare is patient-centric, even in the case of AI bias.

Ensuring fairness and accuracy in AI algorithms is not just a technical concern — it directly impacts the quality of care each patient receives. By addressing AI bias, we uphold the fundamental principle of patient-centered healthcare, promoting equal access, unbiased treatment, and ultimately, better health outcomes for all.



Tracy Mokwe Chidera

Health tech enthusiast unraveling the wonders of healthcare and technology. Join me on this epic adventure!