A Nonprofit Alliance Becomes an Ally of Big TelecomHow well-meaning, public-serving groups wound up as part of an alliance aimed at undermining state regulation of broadband and privacy…Dec 4, 2019Dec 4, 2019
These Four California Democrats Can Break PrivacyNowadays, do 94% of Americans agree on *anything*?Apr 27, 2019Apr 27, 2019
Breaking The Deal To Sell You Your Privacy: Privacy For AllIn a much-heralded backroom deal to end all backroom deals, the State of California launched the California Consumer Privacy Act or CCPA…Apr 7, 20191Apr 7, 20191
How FEMA Blew Up A Wildlife Refuge 35 TimesEvery year in September, around the anniversary of 9–11, Bay Area SWAT teams, along with occasional visitors from Bahrain, Hong Kong…Jan 28, 2019Jan 28, 2019
Intersectionality and Me: The Women’s March SufferingEvery once in a while something goes on in the world, and it has the interest level for you of a gory car crash; you can’t bear to watch…Dec 31, 2018Dec 31, 2018
Find Us One More ShotAccording to a lawsuit filed in the Western District of New York federal court, those are the instructions the Rochester Police Department…Nov 21, 20183Nov 21, 20183
A Firewall Fraying: Chronicle Election Coverage in 2018According to a number of experts, and most of us on the natch, the 2018 midterm election has been one of the most hostile and partisan in…Nov 7, 2018Nov 7, 2018
The Purpose Of The Smart City Is To Kill UsJust because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean …..Oct 31, 2018Oct 31, 2018
Notes From The Last Urban Shield As We Know ItOn September 7th and 8th, I attended the Bay Area’s police militarization expo, Urban Shield. Urban Shield is a competition for the Bay…Oct 22, 2018Oct 22, 2018
Taming High Tech Law and Order in the Wild Wild WestI didn’t grow up in California. Instead I grew up in the relatively staid brick-lined streets of the Northeast, where history looks like…Aug 2, 2018Aug 2, 2018