3 min readMar 15, 2018

Bringing the trade.io community together

Dealing with Regulation & my upcoming USA trip’ by John Patrick Mullin

2018 is proving to be an exciting and fast-paced time for us here at trade.io. Not only are we working to adapt to the ever-changing regulations in the crypto-space, but we are also responding to the concerns and needs of our own community. So, why not take things to the next level? Our talented staff and innovative leaders are excited to present to you weekly articles with updates that are both informative and engaging.

I’d like to begin with my own update on a pretty hectic, yet exhilarating schedule which will include a number of important and potentially game-changing talks that I am giving.

Dealing w/ Regulation

One of the largest parts of my role setting up the trade.io Hong Kong office is making sure that we are regulatory compliant, and are in the good graces of the regulatory authorities here in Hong Kong, mainly the Securities and Futures Commission. This involves constant and open communication with lawyers and with regulators, in turn, to make sure that everything trade.io does, is compliant on a global scale.

Ivy League RoadShow

A major part of my role as the MD of Business Development is hitting the road, and making sure that trade.io gets its name out there, as well as meeting the top tokens for listing on our next-gen exchange platform, as well as projects for potential consulting roles.

I’m very excited that at the end of this week, I’ll be traveling to the USA for a variety of speaking engagements, and will be looking forward to meeting members of our awesome community. As part of our strategic partnership with Harvard-based ICO, HelloFriend, I’ll be speaking at several of the top Ivy League Universities, including Harvard and Brown, about blockchain, cryptos, and the FinTech scene in Asia.

Cryptoworld Conference

Additionally, I’ll be speaking at the CryptoWorld: Wall Street and the Internet of Money conference in New York City on March, 22nd. If you’re in the city, make sure to pay me a visit. I’ll be on a panel with industry veterans including Stephen Gandel, Senior Editor of Fortune Magazine, Alex Mashinky, VC/Angel Investor/Blockchain Founder, Daniel Aranda, Managing Director of Ripple, and Jonathan Nelson, who is on the SEC advisory board.


After all the exciting events in the snowy Eastern US coast, I will be traveling to sunny Tampa Florida for the Cryptoconomy Summit. I’m looking forward to meeting with other fellow crypto/blockchain enthusiasts, and if you happen to be nearby, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

What’s next?

It seems as if I’m living on the road recently, but that’s the life in an up-and-coming blockchain startup. We are all working very hard, gearing up toward the launch of our crypto-asset exchange in April & May, and will be looking forward to showing you the results of our hard work. I'm still solidifying my schedule for April, but I'll make sure to keep you all informed of my whereabouts. If you have any suggestions on events or conferences you'd like me to attend, please let us know at support@trade.io.

Thanks, and have a great day!

John Patrick Mullin


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