Cryptocurrency Mining in Short

3 min readDec 8, 2017


The process of crypto mining is to solve a Crypto Logic Puzzle to find a hash which connects the new block with its predecessors block, in-turn adding transaction records to the currency’s public ledger of past transactions.

The investment and returns on Crypto mining depend on a number of factors, thus it is important to understand and properly analyze a few things before getting into mining.

In order to start, you can opt from investing in cloud mining services or buy cryptocurrrency mining hardware. A mining system is used to produce Cryptocurrencies, whereby miners use a sophisticated algorithm to solve the crytographic puzzle, which releases blocks of coins and finally move into circulation.

Keep in mind that when looking to invest heavily in crypto mining hardware, you may be looking at 4–6 months or more until you just break-even. Furthermore, unless you are technologically driven, your best bet is to invest your funds into buying cryptocurrencies.

But for those of you that really want to test the waters with Crypto mining, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Know your currencies

It is vital to know what cryptocurrency you are planning to mine, as most nowadays need a extremely specialized hardware to mine, as opposed to just your traditional PC or laptop. The hardware required may differ for each crypto currency, depending on the technology and algorithm behind the cryptocurrency.

Operational Costs

Make sure to check out the power supply wattage you will be needing to effectively carry out crypto mining. For example, Bitcoin hardware differs from that of Ethereum mining. This also includes the costs of the specific type of graphic card, motherboard, and general technology you will need to effectively mine. Your mining equipment needs to be stored in a cool place to ensure it does not overheat, as it is a 24//7 process! announced that Siberians are heating their homes with the heat generated through cryptomining facilities, who were initially attracted to the City because of the cold temperatures and inexpensive power prices.

Crypto exchange membership

You will need an online exchange membership in order to be able to exchange your digital currency for a tangible one and vice-versa.

Pros and cons in short


1. It is an interesting hobby

2. Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular

3. Once you are set up, the process is simple


1. It is not very profitable

2. Has high start-up costs

3. Needs 24/7 monitoring

4. Cryptom Logic Puzzles are virtually impossible to solve

Technically, anyone can mine cryptocurrencies, but if you want to steer clear of the hassle and costs involved in the ever-changing mining world, then it is best to invest in buying and selling cryptocurrencies. offers a platform that gives you the opportunity to effectively buy and trade crypto, find out more:




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