3 min readFeb 1, 2019

Greetings and Happy February TIOnauts!

It’s cold and miserable here in New York but that can’t keep me from being excited about how much progress we have made on our first quarter goals in just one month of 2019. I know that it isn’t always obvious from the “How’s It Coming” page, but in the background we are hard at work and making great strides towards the goals you see listed there.

trade.io helped recover stolen TIOx:
First though, there is one thing that I would like to focus on. As we announced a few days ago, trade.io was able to help one of our TIOnauts recover a large amount of TIOx that had been stolen from their external wallet. Although the theft occurred in a third-party wallet off of our exchange, we were determined to do everything we could to help our community members and we got the TIOx back. I would like to add my congratulations to Ari Propper, our CISO, on a job well done. I would also like to add a quick blockchain plug; I know that everyone reading this is a believer, but to all the blockchain skeptics still out there — if this had been fiat it would be gone for good. Definitely food for thought.

So back to goals and achievements:
As you all know we recently completed an airdrop linked to an ongoing trading competition and I am pleased to report that it went perfectly! Right? Alright, we are big enough to admit it, there were some hiccups with the KTOS airdrop involving the overall structure. We have taken into account the feedback from the community concerning improvements for the next airdrop and competition. We hear you and we are working those thoughts into our review process. Most importantly, we got the airdrop done as planned, new users have been added and volume has increased. With the initial objectives met, I am looking forward to congratulating the winners of our trading competition.

Other Milestones:
As for other milestones, after a successful beta period, we are eagerly awaiting the inclusion of our iOS app in the Apple App Store and testing will begin shortly on our Android App. We welcomed back CMO Helen Astaniou who gave a rousing AMA and is hard at work with her team on new marketing strategies. Our NEST coworking office space in Malaysia opened officially, for those of you whom can’t swing by, we promise pictures, along with updates on when TIOx will start being utilized. We have been making some adjustments in the business to reduce our costs without reducing the services provided; we haven’t had any complaints regarding the areas we are right-sizing, so we must be doing it correctly.

February: We are looking for a big month:
Looking forward to February, we are planning a big month, additional tokens, widgets and more. We are preparing for Phase 2 of TIO Markets both from an operational and marketing standpoint. So look for additional information in the coming days. Development is in process for inclusion of fiat options on the exchange, along with various payment options, beyond bank wire and credit/debit cards. The ultimate goal is to allow people from around the globe a cheap and efficient way to participate in our exchange. Lastly, marketing continues to build momentum in their efforts for both trade.io and TIO Markets. This will ensure that the world knows about the progress we have made and the great things to come.

With that the team and I will get back to doing everything we can to increase the value of TIOx and provide the best possible services we can.

Wishing a Gong xi fa cai to all TIOnauts welcoming in the Year of the Pig along with the Lunar New Year.


Bill Heyn


A secure portal, allowing viewers to browse the performance of the rewards pool, as well as the performance of its primary contributor, TIOmarkets