2 min readJan 3, 2018

Interesting Blockchain Happenings You May Not Know

While everyone was looking out for the daily price of Bitcoin or Ethereum, how they can join an ICO, or kicking themselves for not investing in crypto when prices were low, we set out to find a few interesting happenings going on in the Blockchain world.

1: The World's First Blockchain-Powered Government

Dubai announced that by 2020, it wants to become the world’s first blockchain powered government with all visa applications, bill payments and license renewals, to be transacted digitally using blockchain.

2: World’s First License for FinTech Firms Using Blockchain

Gibraltar introduced the world’s first tailored licence for fintech firms using blockchain distributed technology, with the aim to attract start-ups to the British overseas territory as it gets ready for Brexit.

3: Crypto Salaries

A Japanese firm allowed its employees to receive part of their salary in the form of cryptocurrency.

4: Pay for Tuition

A number of universities started accepting Bitcoin as a form of tuition payment, such as The University of Nicosia, and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Switzerland.

5: Purchase a Car

Michael's Auto Plaza in New York now accepts Bitcoin as a form of payment for buying a new car!

6: First Russian Government Blockchain Implementation

Russia completed its first government-levelBlockchain implementation, with Sberbankpartnering with Russia’s Federal Antimonopoly Service to implement document transfer and storage via Blockchain.

7: Blockchain Aboard

BTC123, a Blockchain media outlet in China, is carrying out an initiative to set sail on January 15th, 2018 on a five-star cruise where 2000 participants will enjoy blockchain workshops, and launch-and-learn sessions about the latest development in the industry.

8: Blockchain Food Safety

Wal-Mart Stores, JD.com and IBM Corporation and Tsinghua University entered a collaboration whereby they can track food information through the Blockchain Food Safety Alliance. The initiative allows companies to share information which is then stored by Blockchain, so that suppliers, regulators and consumers can get insight as to how food is controlled from the farm to the table.

Looks like the crypto ‘bubble’ is here to stay! Catch the ICO wave; join www.trade.io today.


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