The BETA launch is here

3 min readMay 31, 2018

-- launches BETA version of upcoming exchange is excited to announce its recently launched BETA version of its financial exchange, which select members of the community are currently testing and providing feedback.

The Exchange is the flagship product of and designed in order to gain extensive feedback and poling from the community, who are providing direct input into the features and characteristics that they would like incorporated into the final product. That’s not to say that you can’t still enjoy a little piece of the pie, we have also put out a very cool walkthrough video including key features and functionalities of the exchange.

The team has tried to take on a different approach from our competitors. Rather than decide for ourselves what we think the community wants, we instead wanted to gain feedback from community members to help decide the right model and direction that’s best for us.

We understand that you need to trade with great power and great speed, so we have built a platform where we can utilize servers worldwide to keep latency to a minimum, wherever you choose to trade from.

The industry’s only fully customizable platform is enclosed with powerful flexibility, allowing you to create your perfect trading environment in just a few minutes after signing up, without compromising on performance or speed.

Features of the Exchange include but are not limited to:

  • Default widgets include charting, order book, trade history, balance, order history and chat
  • Ability to save up to 10 customized canvas layouts, accessible easily with one click
  • Powerful flexibility for traders to create their perfect trading environment, without compromizing on performance or speed
  • Ability to create custom profiles and avatars, as well as a customizable RSS news feed page

We truly believe that we have built a platform that you will love. Think regular competitions and airdrops which will allow you to be eligible to benefit from promotions to win real prizes, luxury VIP holidays as well as up to $100,000 spending money, in addition to the innovative, high-tech customizable interface (if we do say so ourselves) — what more could you want?!’s CTO Charles Voltron commented on the platform “It’s clear that poor user interface is the top complaint among traders about currently available crypto exchanges, along with security concerns. Through our customizable modular UI, the evolution of our platform will be almost entirely driven by the users themselves.”

Our selected beta testers have been testing the beta exchange and providing valuable feedback to the development team. We have received a range of constructive and positive feedback — one user commented, “It’s going well, I am impressed with the development team. And I think we should keep them.”

Another tester said that the platform is looking great, “The platform is built from the ground up for the long term and more importantly, ‘community feedback-driven innovation.’ It’s suggested by us, reviewed by the team, and, built for us. It is our platform: easy + fast + efficient + safe.”

CEO Jim Preissler also had a few words to say on the topic,“We have applied our unparalleled professional expertise in the fintech and blockchain sectors to create the ultimate exchange experience for traders, starting with crypto currency instruments, and then later to include other asset classes such as forex, commodities and others.

“We are confident that our exchange will satisfy the specifications stipulated to us by our community, and look we forward to sharing in the successes of the Exchange with our qualified TIO Holders via the upcoming Liquidity Pool.”

The Exchange will be available to members of the public upon final testing of the BETA version. For further information regarding the full exchange launch, interested parties can pre-register at

By Dalia Hilmi
Content & Acquisition Manager




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