Will the ICO Boom Continue into 2018?

2 min readDec 22, 2017


The year of the crypto and ICOs is swiftly coming to an end. So what could we expect for the industry in 2018? This year, proceeds from ICOs have topped $4 billion, causing analysts to have faith that this could be growing into a multi-trillion dollar industry.

Startups have raised capital through ICO, whereby they distribute their crypto tokens to buyers in exchange for financial support for projects.

What does the future hold for ICOs?

With a huge amount being raised during this year alone, 2018 is gearing up to be the year where institutional money starts going into crypto and ICOs with force.

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are making the headlines daily, with huge companies wanting to get a piece of the pie. For blockchain-based companies trying to raise funds in 2018, ICO will continue to be the preferred choice.

With ICOs gaining huge popularity, this shows that blockchain technology is becoming more and more mainstream as each day passes. So, chances are it will only go up from here and the boom will continue well into 2018. But with popularity comes more stringent rules in order to keep this industry on the rise, something to keep in mind for the future of ICO.

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