Soft Cap $5,000,000 is reached + Pre-ICO extension

2 min readMay 14, 2018


It is with great pleasure that we announce some exciting news for the ThinkCoin project. We have been working nonstop to meet our objectives and we are proud to announce that we have met our Soft Cap target of $5,000,000 USD.

This is an exciting time as the project will be moving at an even faster pace as we prepare for the listing of ThinkCoin on Cryptocurrency exchanges and accelerating our progress through our roadmap. Achieving the Soft Cap was no small achievement: we did this by meeting many of our investors individually and providing explanations of the whitepaper, our team’s background, and our long-term vision of disrupting traditional financial markets. The final round of investments came from several HNW strategic investors in Asia who helped us meet our soft cap goals.

Another key project update:

Pre-ICO Dates

During our tours we have built up significant interest from strategic investors, crypto funds, and family offices who have expressed significant interest in investing. Currently we are in due diligence stages with these investors, and would like to allow them and the overall community more time to participate in the Pre-ICO and benefit from our bonus program.

To do this, we have decided to extend our Pre-ICO period: it will now run until June 18th, with a 22% bonus added to all purchases until that date. Our ICO phase will now run from June 25th to July 9th.

We want to let you know that this won’t affect our roadmap massively — there will be a few amendments, but the decision has been made purely as the interest for ThinkCoin has grown hugely the last weeks and we want to get onboard as many as possible to join our community and trading revolution!

Should you have any questions regarding this please reach out on Telegram or

We are so thrilled to have reached our soft cap — now on to the next target!




The multi-asset trading network that connects crypto traders with global financial markets using bitcoin and ethereum as collateral.