Dear Friends, Colleagues, Partners and Investors!

2 min readJun 21, 2018


Over the course of the last year, my enthusiastic and brilliant team have been focused on introducing Tradingene and its merits to the world. We have covered key territories in Asia, Europe and North America, sharing our vision and belief in a marketplace for trading algorithms generated on our AI-driven platform. We have met with hundreds of investors, both private and institutional, as well as key players in the blockchain world.

However, despite all our efforts, we have been less successful than anticipated in our public sale. As many of you know, the ICO market is currently dominated by large funds and professional investors, and we have generated great interest from a number of large investors, funds and syndicates. Therefore, we will now go forward and continue to work to close investments with funds and syndicates after the end of our current tokensale.

Importantly, as previously announced, our marketplace will launch in the first days of July. We are extremely proud of the hard work done by the team to bring trading algorithms to all investors, particularly since our impending marketplace launch puts us months ahead of our roadmap.

For smaller investors, we don’t anticipate crowdsales in the future. We will keep the current tokensale open for one additional week, until July 1, providing access up until the first algorithm auction at the beginning of July.

The new terms will be as follows:

The overall number of tokens will remain fixed at 14.2 million, 10 million of which will be offered to accredited investors. We plan to sell the tokens over five rounds, each of which will be based on our reaching certain milestones:

Round 1–3 million tokens (currently on offer)

Round 2–3 million tokens to be offered upon reaching $5 million AUM (assets under management)

Round 3–2 million tokens to be offered upon reaching $20 million AUM

Round 4 — One million tokens to be offered upon reaching $50 million AUM

Round 5 — One million tokens to be offered upon reaching $100 million AUM

During future rounds, we anticipate pricing will be at market prices with lock-ups for investors.

Please keep in mind that the “Assets Under Management” refers to the amount of funds attached to our algorithms: the number of tokens we release will not change as AUM increases.

We are committed to building a powerful platform that serves our community of algorithm creators while bringing the power of trading algorithms to investors of all sizes. We thank you for your support and look forward to sharing our future successes with you.

I invite you to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.

My e-mail:


Sincerely yours,

Daniel Wolfe

#tradingene #tradingeneration #cryptocurrency #blockchain #ico #waves #TokenSale #crypto #bitcoin #TokenSale

