Trading Is a Business
Trading Is a Business

Sharing my trading/investing experience & whatever I find helpful along the way for any serious minded individual on the same path who might probably find them helpful as well

Objectives for my Medium Stories

Signal providing service and affiliate marketing are not the primary objective behind these Medium Stories, nor for the idea of putting together the Roadmap to treating trading as a Business for everyone on this same career path that’s struggling with consistency

However, I look forward to rendering service as a signal provider at some point in the future of my trading career as I gradually grow my personal trading account, and as I’m also trading various proprietary firm’s accounts overtime. These are my personal long-term trading goals/objectives

But after putting together these Medium Stories and the Roadmap to treating Trading as a business, it occurred to me that placing a few Affiliate links to the products/materials I find necessary/useful in my opinion won’t be a bad idea because opportunity for additional income can’t be overlooked. Unless you want to tell me otherwise

“What’s on the Roadmap is exactly how I went & still going on with my Trading”


Is to make the path of any serious minded individual on the same quest to successful trading/investing, much easier and quicker than it might possibly be, by bringing to their awareness some key trading details & concepts that will make positive impact on their trading career, while in the midst of other like-minded traders with the same initiative inside ONE COMMUNITY

“Successful trading/investing takes time to learn and master”

There’re many useful but unstructured informations out there both free and premium that It took me years to put these pieces together and start incorporating them into my Trading to make change towards consistency

Maybe i wouldn’t have been able to figure out the path to consistency as a trader if I hadn’t bought access to a premium Trading group (AlphaBinaryTeam). They structured my path to consistency by pointing out the right way to trade a "strategy" (thorough analysis before trading any strategy)

However, I realized that becoming a consistent Trader is way beyond Strategies otherwise EVERYONE in that group will be consistently profitable traders which is clearly not the case from my experience

That doesn’t imply that there are no consistently profitable traders in the group but why wouldn’t EVERYONE be consistently profitable if everyone has access to the same materials and strategies?

They (AlphaBinaryTeam) have quite some good Binary Options strategies & indicators and they even taught how to trade with them. But with the group, I learned that strategies & indicators are basically the least to worry about when it comes to trading consistently. PHYCOLOGY & MONEY MANAGEMENT are the main pillars

At least they helped me figure that out with the materials they provided but for someone like me (A Detailed Trader), i needed more details than they provided in those two areas

If you want, you can take these tests on the Van Tharp Institute Trader’s Test website to find out the type of trader you are. here

Without clearly understanding, accepting and implementing some concepts and ideas in trading, we can NEVER be consistent in the long run

Even after joining the premium group since 2019, it still took me almost a year of constantly searching the internet (websites&YouTube’s) to put together, accept and implement those concepts and ideas in other to make the difference in my trading career

Before joining the premium group (AlphaBinaryTeam), I’ve actually been around the Trading world with that get rich quick mindset for about a year or so and has already lost a few hundreds of dollars on crypto currencies (bitconnect coin, davor coin and a few others), and then on Binary Options indicators and signal providers on telegram

Was quite a tough journey and you can find part of it on the YouTube Channel & on the Medium profile when you scroll to the first stories on the profile

However, my point actually is that it takes relentless efforts to figure out the path, and it takes time to accept and implement those concepts and ideas that eventually leads to consistency in Trading

Which brought me to the primary objective of putting the Roadmap together for any serious like-minded individual(s) that still suffers inconsistency in Trading

Consistent Trading is basically 90% MINDSET & 10% Strategy

Without clearly understanding, accepting and implementing those concepts and ideas within the Roadmap to treating Trading as a business, most will likely end up their dreams of becoming a professional trader because according to Businessinsider, Only 6% of the people who attempt to become professional traders actually succeed

You can simply read their helpful article on why most fail here

Trading is a BUSINESS - Treat it as such!!


Trading Is a Business

Trading Is a Business

I share my trading experience & what I find helpful along the way for serious minded individual on the same path who might probably find them helpful as well