What is the ICT Forex Market Maker Series?

5 min readDec 29, 2023


In this article, we explore the “ICT Market Maker Series,” a compelling educational course specifically designed for those engaged in forex trading.

This series comprises five informative videos, each meticulously crafted to provide an in-depth understanding of how market makers, particularly central banks, significantly influence the forex market.

What is ICT Market Maker Series?

The ICT Market Maker Series is an educational series created by Inner Circle Trader (ICT), known in real life as Michael J. Huddleston.

This series, revamped in 2021 from its original 2014 edition, now features a concise set of five videos. It aims to provide deep insights into the Forex market, with a particular focus on the role of market makers, especially central banks, in shaping currency prices. Discover ICT background.

What You Will Learn with The 5 Videos of ICT Market Maker Series

What You Will Learn with ICT Market Maker Series

The free master study course about ICT Market Maker Series offers a detailed exploration (5 ICT Videos) into the dynamics of the Forex market, emphasizing the influence of central banks. The series is designed to demystify the complex workings of market makers and provide practical insights for traders.

Enroll now on the ICT MASTER STUDY Plattform.

Over the course of five videos, you’ll delve into:

  1. Understanding the ICT Macro: Examining the overarching economic factors that drive the Forex market.
  2. Role of Market Makers: Understanding how market makers, including central banks, influence currency prices with the support of ICT Glossary.
  3. Trading Strategies: Learning specific strategies to align with market maker actions.
  4. Price Action Analysis: Focusing on daily chart price action to identify trading setups.
  5. Risk Management: Developing techniques to manage and mitigate trading risks.

Vol. 1 of 5 — ICT Forex Market Maker Series

The first volume lays the foundation for understanding the macroeconomic environment of forex trading. It discusses the role of central banks as the primary market makers and introduces the concept of analyzing global interest rates and the Commitment of Traders (COT) report and Seasonal Tendency. This volume sets the stage for understanding the broader forces that drive currency prices.

Vol. 2 of 5 — ICT Forex Market Maker Series

In the second installment, the focus shifts to the practical application of the concepts introduced in the first volume. This includes trading strategies (as Silver Bullet) for analyzing interest rate differentials between different countries and how these differentials can provide a trading edge. Traders learn how to interpret and use these macroeconomic indicators to make informed trading decisions.

Vol. 3 of 5 — ICT Forex Market Maker Series

Vol. 3 of 5 — ICT Forex Market Maker Series

The third volume 3 of 5 ICT Forex Market Maker Series delves deeper into market dynamics, emphasizing how market makers manipulate currency prices. It provides insights into the strategies used by central banks and large institutional investors, offering traders a clearer picture of the ‘smart money’ movements in the forex market.

Vol. 4 of 5 — ICT Forex Market Maker Series

This volume focuses on advanced trading strategies and techniques. It teaches traders how to align their strategies with the strategies of market makers. The emphasis is on long-term trend analysis and understanding how to leverage seasonal tendencies and market cycles for profitable trading.

Vol. 5 of 5 — ICT Forex Market Maker Series

The final volume consolidates the learning from the previous volumes and offers advanced insights into forex trading. It covers risk management strategies, trade execution methods, and long-term trade planning. This volume is aimed at helping traders develop a comprehensive approach to forex trading, aligned with the market maker’s perspective.

FAQ: ICT Market Maker Series

The FAQ section addresses common questions about the series, clarifying concepts and helping traders apply the lessons to real-world trading scenarios.

1. What is the ICT Market Maker Series?

The ICT Market Maker Series is an educational course for forex traders, focusing on how market makers, primarily central banks, influence the forex market. It consists of five volumes, each covering different aspects of forex trading from a market maker’s perspective.

2. Who should watch the ICT Market Maker Series?

This series is ideal for forex traders at all levels who want to understand the role of market makers in currency pricing and learn how to align their trading strategies with these key market players.

3. Can beginners benefit from the ICT Market Maker Series?

Absolutely. Beginners can gain a fundamental understanding of forex market dynamics, although some prior knowledge of forex trading may enhance comprehension.

4. What are the key topics covered in the series?

The series covers a range of topics, including the role of central banks in forex trading, global interest rates, the Commitment of Traders report, interest rate differentials, and advanced trading strategies aligned with market maker activities.

5. How does the series help in practical trading?

The ICT Market Maker Series equips traders with the knowledge to analyze macroeconomic indicators, understand market maker strategies, and apply this understanding to develop more informed and strategic trading decisions.

6. Are there any prerequisites before starting the series?

While not strictly necessary, a basic understanding of forex trading and familiarity with economic concepts like interest rates and currency pairs can be beneficial.


The ICT Market Maker Series offers a comprehensive learning experience for forex traders, focusing on the influence of market makers in the forex market.

This series provides valuable insights into the macroeconomic factors that drive currency prices, advanced trading strategies, and an understanding of the market dynamics from the perspective of central banks and large institutions.

By the end of the series, traders are expected to have a robust understanding of forex trading, equipped with strategies that align with the actions of market makers, ultimately aiming to enhance their trading skills and profitability.


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"Trading Strategy Course" offers a range of free online courses focused on the ICT (Inner Circle Trader) trading strategy, particularly tailored to the Forex.