Traffic Data Coin Masternode Setup Procedure for Windows and Linux

Traffic Data
3 min readJan 11, 2019


Masternodes do not require specialized equipment to run (unlike POW-mining). However, you still have to comply with the following system requirements:

Modern computer with 15GB SSD drive. Also, 1000GB bandwidth will be enough
VPS server on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 will do). But it has to have a Static IP Address
5000 TDC

Step 1. Wallet Setup

This procedure is quite simple and straightforward:

You just download the appropriate for your OS version of the wallet (make sure it’s the latest release), run the installation file and don’t touch any settings. Of course, Linux users can unpack the archive anywhere they want.

There is no fancy stuff here indeed.

Step 2. Settings

Basically, you just have to enable a couple of tabs: <Coin Control> and <Masternodes>. Wair fo the wallet application to restart after that.

It is not necessary to encrypt wallet — it will work regardless, but that will ensure your funds security. The wallet program will shut down after the encryption will be completed, so run it again

Step 3. Collateral

After synchronizing the wallet, open console and type getaccountaddress MN1 to learn MN_ADDRESS — the address of your master code. If necessary, change MN1 to MASTERNODE_ALIAS_NAME.

You have to send exactly 5000 TDC to MN1. Any other amount will not be recognised by the system as the masternode collateral.

To do this, put your MN1 in the “Pay To” section of the “Send” tab and type 5000 — in the “Amount” field.

Wait for the transaction to be confirmed at least 20 times.

Step 4. Masternode Info

This is the only tricky bit in our setup procedure. But if you will pay attention and won’t make any typos in commands, there won’t be any troubles. You will work with the wallet debug console as well as masternode configuration file

Create a new line in the masternode configuration file:

MN1 <your vps IP>:17281

Type: masternode genkey in the debug console

The result displayed is your MN1_PRIVKEY. Add it to your configuration file after 17281
Store your MN1_PRIVKEY somewhere secret.
After your “collateral transaction” gets 20 confirmations, enter:

masternode outputs

That is the hash (looks like a very long numerical non-sense) of your transaction and its index (can be 1 or 0). Put these into the config file after the MN_PRIVKEY so you get something along the lines of:

MN1 <your vps IP>:17281 <masternode priv key> <transaction hash> <index>

Step 5. VPS Setup

VPS setup is completely automated. You have only to enter couple of commands at the very end.

Open an SSH client
Log in with -root rights.
Run autoinstall script (It will work for 10–20 minutes):
Type the following:

chmod 755

Autosetup script will request MN_PRIVKEY. Provide it

Step 6. Masternode start

You have to type only one command in the console:

masternode start-alias MN1

The masternode is now working and earning TDC for you. Keep it online 24\7

