Food Industry Trends in 2020

Traian Jikovski
2 min readJan 26, 2020

Tastes and preferences in the food industry change from year to year. From different cultural cuisines, trends in new fruits and vegetables, diet fads, to eco-friendly treats. There are new discoveries and consumer preferences that have a major effect on the latest in the food industry. Take a look at the food industry trends on the rise for 2020:

West African Cuisine

A cultural cuisine that is set to take the world by storm is West African foods. While eating a clean and healthy diet has been a major trend for years now, the consumer is looking for a new and more exciting twist. West African cuisine offers foods such as ancient grains like fonio, teff, and millet as well as incredible superfoods like moringa and tamarind. These kinds of foods will more than likely dominate in more dishes and in the grocery stores.

New Kinds of Butters and Spreads

Consumers want their cake and to eat it too. They want the same delicious tastes with half the calories, fats, carbs, and overall guilt. This is why there will be a major spike in the demand for new kinds of healthy and different kinds of butter and spreads. Spreads such as chickpea butter, macadamia butter, watermelon seed butter, and more are the latest in the vegan craze. Even beyond the vegan community, there will be a major demand for it.

Flexitarian Blends and Diets

Meatless Mondays have become more than just a trend, but a way of life. More and more people are opting for meatless options and eating vegetarian more often. Instead of sticking to mostly meat every single meal, they are adopting a flexitarian diet. Flexitarians do not cut out meat for good, they simply cut back on meat when they can. Because of this trend, more brands are introducing flexitarian blends into their foods and delivering more meat-plant options.

Major Decrease in Waste

It is no secret that the condition of the planet is quite detrimental. More consumers are looking to brands that are just as concerned as they are with the amount of waste they contribute to the world. Because around 1.3 billion tons of edible food is thrown away around the world each year with an expected increase to 2.2 billion by 2025, there is a huge priority on the reduction of food waste for governments and organizations. In the year 2020, we should expect to see major innovations put into place with decrease the amount of waste in the food industry.

Many of these trends for 2020 are proving to be healthier and better for the consumer and the planet.

This post was originally published on



Traian Jikovski

Traian Jikovski is the owner and founder of Gourmet Food Imports, LLC, importer of fine foods and warehouse supplier. He is also a world traveler.