TRAID HODL Challenge — The last man staking gets a full Masternode!

Traid Platform
3 min readSep 14, 2018


To reward our community for being loyal, TRAID team will be running a gamified HODL challenge. Everybody can win, but the last man HODLing will earn a full TRAID masternode. There are also time-based checkpoint bonuses that we’ll talk about later in the text.


TRAID masternode collateral is 60,000 coins. 5 participants contribute 10,000 coins each for a masternode. Each participant will be given a 20% bonus by the TRAID team itself. So, each participant starts out with a total contribution of 12,000 TRAID coins. (12,000 x 5 = 60,000)

When all 5 slots are filled, the team will setup a masternode and the HODL challenge officially begins. Masternode rewards will be sent to a public address for all participants to keep track of. The wallet with masternode rewards will also be staking and the participants will get staking rewards as well.

When a participant decides to leave the challenge, he’ll be able to withdraw all the rewards from the aforementioned public address that the masternode has staked up to that point, but his 12,000 contribution will stay in the HODL pool. For example, if a participant wants to leave the challenge after 2 weeks, he’ll receive all the rewards that the masternode has staked in 2 weeks, but his total contribution of 12,000 coins will be kept in the HODL pool.

After a participant leaves the challenge, all future masternode rewards will be available for withdrawal to the next participant who decides to leave the challenge.

Worth mentioning is that participants can exit the challenge whenever they want, but the reasonable time of exit will be when the masternode has staked at least 12,000 coins.


To spice things up and make the HODL challenge more interesting and profitable, participants will also receive additional bonus coins at certain time-based checkpoints. The longer you HODL, the more bonus coins you will receive when you decide to leave the challenge.

Checkpoint bonus breakdown is as follows:

600 coins (1% of MN collateral) — unlocked after 10 days

3000 coins (5% of MN collateral) — unlocked after 30 days

6000 coins (10% of MN collareral) — unlocked after 60 days

12000 coins (20% of MN collateral) — unlocked after 90 days

30000 coins (50% of MN collateral) — unlocked after 150 days


1. When a participant leaves the challenge, he will be to entitled to the MN rewards ONLY. His contribution of 12,000 coins stays in the HODL pool.

2. No exit reservations more than 24 hours in advance. When a participant decides to leave the challenge, he should notify the admins 24 hours max in advance.

3. The HODL challenge must last at least 30 days in order for the winner to claim the full masternode. If for some reason all other participants leave the challenge within 3 weeks, the winner will need to wait 1 more week to receive the full masternode.


HODL challenge is a game of patience and strategy. The longer you HODL, the bigger rewards and checkpoint bonuses you can receive. To sum up, everybody can be profitable in the HODL challenge if they’re patient enough, but the last HODLER takes it all.

Hit up @MJ on our Discord if you want to join TRAID HODL challenge.

