Traid Platform Development Update — October 16th

Traid Platform
3 min readOct 16, 2018

October left a bitter taste in the mouth of most crypto enthusiasts as bear period continues to run its course. Lambo talks are few and far between and the moon guys voice their shillings with dampened enthusiasm. Nevertheless, TRAID team continues to work on what we believe in despite the lamentable state of the market.

We know we’ve been rather quiet on development for a while, but silent does not mean inactive. We’ve made some great progress with development, marketing and outreach. We’re working around the clock with one goal in mind — to revolutionize crypto education as we know it.

Here’s a quick update on our software architecture and what we’ve accomplished so far. We’ll publish a separate presentation that will explain all the intricacies of our complex architecture in the coming weeks.


Traid Platform employs Kurento WebRTC media server and a set of client APIs for transcoding (on-the-fly adaptation of codecs and formats between incompatible clients), recording (storing the media exchanged between peers in a persistent way), mixing (transforming multiple incoming streams into one single composite stream), broadcasting (delivery of video and audio media in real time) and routing of audiovisual flows. It’s implemented in low level technologies based on GStreamer to optimize the resource consumption. It provides the following features that we’ve adopted and customized for the development of Traid Platform:

  • Networked streaming protocols, including HTTP, RTP and WebRTC.
  • Group communications (MCU and SFU functionality) supporting both media mixing and media routing/dispatching.
  • Generic support for filters implementing Computer Vision and Augmented Reality algorithms.
  • Media storage that supports writing operations for WebM and MP4 and playing in all formats supported by GStreamer.
  • Automatic media transcoding between any of the codecs supported by GStreamer, including VP8, H.264, H.263, AMR, OPUS, Speex, G.711 and more.

We’ve successfully integrated and optimized Kurento media server and so far developed the following backend features using Node.js, Python and a variety of other technologies:

  • User registration/login.
  • Basic user dashboard.
  • Channel(s) creation for broadcasters.
  • Video streaming capability for logged-in instructors/broadcasters.
  • Video upload feature for instructors/broadcasters.
  • Watching live broadcasts (for both registered and unregistered users).
  • Support for video consumption from both desktop and mobile devices.
  • New channel notification for logged in students.

In progress:

  • Converting recorded streams and uploaded media into seekable videos and integrating the rewind feature.


Our design team is constantly working on revamping the user interface in order to come up with the most intuitive and user-friendly design. We’ve revamped the original design and our frontend devs are currently working on implementing it. Here’s a preview of what Traid alpha will look like once launched.


Developing a robust platform like Traid is not without challenges. It requires a deep understanding of the business model and significant outlay in terms of time, capital and resources. The complex software architecture and employment of multiple cutting-edge programming languages is required and it’s what will ultimately set us apart. On that note, we’re happy to announce that the development is going according to plan and we expect to meet the milestones specified in our roadmap. The first version of Traid Platform will be launched by the end of the year and it will comprise a minimal set of basic functionalities for our users to test and give feedback on. Beta testers will be chosen from our community and the application process will be officially announced soon.

We’d like to give a big thanks to all who have helped with the project so far. We are proud of our community and have been amazed at the response we’ve received so far. We look forward to updating you more comprehensively in our next Development Update.

Thanks for supporting TRAID — stay tuned for more news and updates!

To learn more about TRAID project check out the links below:






Originally published at on October 16, 2018.

