Improve Your Writing Skills with English Poems

Tram Nguyen
5 min readJun 24, 2020


I’d like to introduce to you a Collection of my self-written English Poems as below. As an English major, I have always been trying new ways to practise English, and writing poems in English is one of my most favourite English practising methods that I have applied for years. This is such an amazingly creative process that is worth your try and efforts and when you could produce your own poems, it could mean the world to you. I hope you’ll enjoy my poems and feel inspired to write yours.

1. Waves and Sand

In the sea, the Waves are waving.

On the shore, the Sand is waiting,

In the distance, they want to be close,

Nearer they are, hardly can they hold.

Close but far, both Waves and Sand,

As You and Me, both Joy and Pain.

Touching the Sand, the Waves break.

Loving You, a Heart breaks.

2. Unfaithful

He left the house with a broken heart,

leaving her alone, empty!

What kind of woman she is.

Still, she fails to answer properly.

Only he who loves her truly,

yet she keeps driving him crazy

since her lips, her eyes, and her beauty

do lure man as bees like honey.

One, then two, then three, then many

men who care, who want, who’re hungry

for a smile, a date with the lady,

have kept her always busy.

Refusing is not so easy

while she loves moments of glory,

then she stops loving him fully,

drowning herself in fantasies.

Feeling lost and blue, he is.

He desires to leave the city

where he once possessed a lady,

also where he lost the lady.

What a sad end of a story!

Wondering if there’s love loyalty,

or people are just too greedy

to live and to love…faithfully.

3. Decayed

A happy face,

but not…a happy fate.

Waking up, day after day,

up above, the sky’s still grey.

If only there was a way

to wipe all bad things away.

If only there was a day

when sad memories erased.

Night after night, kneeing down and pray

that only joy and luck will stay.

Night after night, staying up late,

wondering if I’ve gone astray.

Keep asking what the right fate is,

but what I’ve got still remains vague.

When my hope gradually fades,

that’s when my heart becomes decayed.

4. She!

She’s fatter, older, and weaker.

In her thirties, she murmurs

that her life is much simpler

as her world is getting smaller.

Still, she has passions for further

working, travelling, enjoying…,

then a question to be answered:

“Who will keep her sweet home warmer?”

She’s chosen to be a good mother

rather than a good traveller,

cos her son needs her, rather than anybody else.

She’s chosen to be a good marriage partner

rather than a good lover,

cos her man needs her, rather than any other girl.

Refusing to go farther,

is her life much happier?

Are her smiles getting brighter?

Is her heart opening wider?

Some say yes and some say no,

but for her, it doesn’t matter.

She just keeps doing what she prefers

and neglecting what others offer.

5. What he said!

He said love is a tragedy.

She said love is a comedy.

He said sex is just an activity.

She said sex is creativity.

He said getting married is silly.

She said getting married is wisely.

He said having kids is noisy.

She said having kids is lovely.

He said more and more, negatively.

She turned what he said positively.

Though they both think differently,

they’ve loved each other crazily.

And what they have built steadily

is a happy family.

6. Tragedy

‘Neh… neh… neh…’, the boy cries loudly.

‘La… la… la…’, mama sings softly.

A bottle of milk comes closely,

then the boy sucks it up quickly.

Eyes closing, he sleeps peacefully.

Eyes widening, she watches happily.

Mouth moving, she sings joyfully

cos her boy does live healthily…

Years later, she’s hurt crazily

when her boy was killed cruelly

in a war full of cruelty.

Life is just filled with tragedies.

7. I’m stuck!

Never ask for what you won’t have.

It’s yours if it’s yours.

If it’s not, free it from your mind, but…HOW?

How can I stop thinking

about what I hardly have?

How can I just accept

what I have, not what I’ve yearned for?

How can I be understood

in a way that makes me happy?

How can my mind be read

to have what I’ve deeply felt unfolded?

Am I a demanding girl

or am I living a fantasy world?

Only I who know the answers

But I’ve got lost in confusion, no way out.

8. Wildlife

I have seen the moon through a clear blue sky,

turning the earth and the sky wild.

I have heard the sounds of wild animals,

calling their partners across a wild night.

I have touched the leaves of wild trees,

which were wet with a heavy dew.

I have tasted the sourness of wild fruits

and the sweetness of wildlife.

I have learned these things — from which I love the wild.

I have remembered these things — from which I live my life.

9. Unfaithful (another version)

She left him with a broken heart,

leaving him alone, empty!

What kind of man he is.

Still, she fails to answer properly.

Only she who loves him truly,

yet he keeps driving her crazy

since his soul, his mind, and his love

is now for another lady.

Refusing is not so easy

while he loves moments of glory,

then he stops loving her fully,

drowning himself in fantasies.

Feeling lost and blue, she is.

She decides to end her story

to begin with a new story

in which she will be happy.

What a sad end of a love story!

Wondering if there’s love loyalty,

or men are just too greedy

to live and to love…faithfully.

10. If I knew…

If I knew,

it would be the last time.

I would not have told a lie.

If I knew,

it would be the last time.

I would not have made you cry

If I knew,

it would be the last time.

I would have given us a try.

If I knew,

it would be the last time.

I would not have let you fight,


In this world,

If I knew,

I would have another chance.

I would live a different life.

11. Wish I could…

Wish I could,

I could have said I am so sorry,

and could have said how much I’ve felt guilty,

for letting you down,

and making you drowned.

If I could,

I could have fixed our story,

to make you feel proud

of the girl you have just found.

12. Rivalries

If you are human,

rivalries come then.

If you are in love,

rivalries come then.

If you stay in fame,

rivalries come then.

As long as you live,

rivalries would live.

Even you resist,

rivalries exist.

13. Unbreakable

When in love,

We wish our love be Unbreakable,


We forget to treasure it though.

We forget to fulfil our souls.

We forget…

that love’s breakable.

If we could make it workable,

We could have loved unstoppable,

Made our love unmistakable,

Let our love be untouchable.



Tram Nguyen

I love writing in English language in all life aspects and my writings being published on the web. My dream is to publish my own book one day.