Trần Giang Giang
2 min readMar 24, 2023


“Human of the Future” is a non-profit organization that aims to connect, develop individuals/ teams to adapt to the fast-growing of 2030. By having relatable perspectives, then connecting & sharing with others, we help individuals better understand inner conflicts to truly care for their mental health and develop as a whole.

Based on the history movement momentum and the current situation in the world. We see that world in the future must be more intelligent — provident — sustainable. It’s a green and friendly planet that harmonizes material and mental elements; human — society — nature — universe. In which human is the center, external factors will shape and react according to the wholeness of each individual.

The core value of any individual is education. It is the responsibility as well as the lifelong work of human beings. To adapt to the material aspect, science and technology in the new era, people must also become corresponding and counterbalanced.

Our organization, “Human of the Future” is sharing our values and focusing on core skills as a part of human dignity — like health, psychology, mental healing, self-development, living in the flow of nature, enjoy in peace and happiness, starting a business, building a team, connecting human personnel… Every knowledge is based on the quintessence of ancient East-West philosophy so that individuals can confidently and peacefully enter the new era.
As a founder of the organization and my family background in the education system, I have spent 20 years studying philosophy, theology, psychology, and ancient knowledge… as well as stepping into many businesses. Combining all together, I have experienced how the inner elements can directly affect one individual’s fortune and life’s quality. Then, match the historical flow with the present to realize its relevance. From that, I can predict the momentum of the future. My mission is to connect people and deliver essential knowledge through a new method.I understand numerous youngsters, individuals, and teams are interested in and willing to collaborate towards a sustainable education for people in the future.

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Trần Giang Giang

Author, Educator, Operation Management, Founder Of 11 Brands, " Human of the Future"