The Reality BehindApp Store Connect Has a Limit of N Binary Uploads Per Day.

Trần Hữu Phúc
3 min readApr 18, 2024

Ever hit a snag in your mobile app project? I sure did. Let me tell you why I’m digging into “App Store Connect Has a Limit of N Binary Uploads Per Day.”

In a rush of continuous deployment, App Store Connect started rejecting our builds. Turns out, there’s a daily upload limit. Curious about how to navigate this hurdle? Stick around as I uncover the ins and outs of App Store Connect’s restrictions.

How the Problem Emerged:

On a bright sunny day, as I was sending builds to App Store Connect using my continuous deployment system, I encountered an error.

Don’t fix bugs later; fix them now — Steve Maguire

After diving deep into the Google ocean for a while, I discovered that App Store Connect indeed imposes a maximum limit of 20 binary uploads per day.

Despite the absence of official documentation from App Store Connect (Apple) regarding this issue, my research and investigation revealed that there is indeed an unspoken limit of 20 binary uploads per day.

Only one source, namely, mentions this limitation. However, it’s possible that the information provided there is outdated.

If numerous developers are experiencing similar issues without receiving any response or clarification from App Store Connect, it could be beneficial to collectively escalate the matter.

Instead of waiting for an official explanation, I redirected my efforts towards finding a solution to the problem.


Solution 1: Upgrade App Version

For example: If your current app version is 1.0.0, you can incrementally increase it to 1.0.1.

This is only a temporary solution because if you exceed 20 builds of version 1.0.1 on App Store Connect, you will encounter the same error again.

Solution 2: Expire Builds

For example: With App Version 1.0.0, if you have builds numbered #1, #2, #3, #4, …, #20.

You can expire older build numbers.

By expiring older builds, you can continue to build and upload new builds without encountering the upload limit error message.

This approach effectively manages the number of builds associated with a specific app version on App Store Connect, allowing you to bypass the upload limit restriction.

Conclusion, encountering unexpected hurdles like the upload limit on App Store Connect is a common challenge in the world of app development. While it may be frustrating at first, it’s essential to adopt a proactive approach and seek out solutions. By leveraging strategies such as upgrading app versions or expiring older builds, developers can navigate around these limitations and ensure smooth deployment processes.

Moreover, sharing experiences and insights with the community can be invaluable. Through collaborative efforts and open dialogue, we can collectively tackle issues, support one another, and drive innovation forward in the app development ecosystem.

So, the next time you hit a roadblock, remember that you’re not alone. Keep exploring, keep learning, and keep building. Together, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

