The Kindle Oasis is the #1 E-reader for Night-Time Readers

Why I ditched my Kindle Paperwhite for a Kindle Oasis

Johnathan Tran
3 min readAug 2, 2020

Modern e-readers do it all: scratch resistant, brightness adjustments, bluetooth for audiobooks, the list goes on for us spoiled digitized readers. I happen to own two of these whimsical devices: the Kindle Paperwhite and the Kindle Oasis. Here’s my two cents on why night owls should spend that extra $$$ for that super premium Oasis over other e-readers, particularly the Paperwhite.

Image 1: Kindle Paperwhite (Left) vs. Kindle Oasis (Right)

1¢. The Kindle Oasis has auto-adjustable WARM LIGHT.

The warmer color light is easier on the eyes at night and helps your Oasis pages look just like a real book by making it more yellow (see Image 1). Even better yet, Oasis can even auto adjust warmth for you if you happen to forget to use the warmer light colors at night.

Plus, e-ink readers are known to flash. When it’s on a black screen it flashes white. When it’s on a white screen it flashes black. The ability to keep your Kindle Oasis on a warm “white” screen and having it flash black occasionally is easier on the eyes than having a screen periodically flashing bright white.

Image 2: Kindle Paperwhite Flash

Fun fact: the name difference between Oasis and Paperwhite implies the difference in color potential. Oasis’ are located in warmer environments. PaperWHITE…nuff said.

2¢. The Kindle Oasis has page turn buttons which makes it so that you don’t even have to lift a finger to turn the page.

This one isn’t immediately obvious for night-time readers. Imagine yourself in a scenario where you want to snuggle up your non-dominant arm in the blanket and e-reader in your dominant. With the Paperwhite, you have to lift your finger and hit the right side of the page to progress. By lifting your finger, you effectively reduce your grip on the e-reader giving your e-reader a higher probability to fall (most likely your face) EACH time you turn a page. With the Oasis, your finger and grip remain firm on the page turn button and it’s entirely effortless to turn those hundreds of pages each night, while keeping your other arm all snuggled up in the comfort of your blanket. An extra bonus for the Oasis is also it has an ergonomic design increasing grip strength naturally.

Image 3: This happens way more often than you think it does on a Paperwhite

Final Thoughts

Overall, you’ll be spending the price of two Kindle Paperwhites to get a single Kindle Oasis. To night-time readers such as myself, I’ve found the money well worth it for the two quality of life reasons I mentioned above. If you have different mechanisms to combat light-based eye strain at night and don’t mind the occasionally face plant, then I would advise you to buy the Paperwhite. If you only ever read at night and read 200+ pages a day, I would go straight for that Oasis. The extra tech is truly a GAME CHANGER.

Image 4: Kindle Oasis Package

Good Night, And Good Luck.



Johnathan Tran

Breaking down tech trends into short digests. No Fluffing. Programmer by day but mostly by night.