First Chakra: Money & Wealth Transforming Your Life

Tran Nhat Tan
7 min readAug 28, 2020

The Root Chakra: Healing the Center of Money, Fear

Is this is a transformational time for you?

Are you ready to take flight, but you don’t know if you can land safely? Do you want to know what’s possible for you in this lifetime?

Is fear holding you back?

Are you ready to do life-changing work at a pace your body can integrate?

Find you life purpose.

Shift blocked energies.

Navigate loss and success.

Step into creativity, and a life based on trust instead of fear.

This workshop is for people who are in a transition in their lives, feeling ungrounded and wanting to create a new direction, a solid and strong foundation, and to understand where the cracks may have been before.
Anyone who is looking for new direction but is not sure what, where, or how might benefit from this class. This workshop will help you build and understand what a solid foundation looks like.
We will strengthen our first chakra,
meditation and reflection to understand, and ritual to set intention and action into course, is suitable for all levels.

No previous meditation experience required.

Will introduce you to the experience of the seven sacred energy centers, or chakras, that spin at the core of your being, generating your life patterns and physical health. Combining tribal dance, bioenergetic, exercises, with guided meditations, partner work, breath, sound, and dynamic discussions of chakra principles, you’ll gain valuable tools for self-diagnosis and healing of common energetic blocks as well as a developmental framework for how those blocks came to be. Past participants have called this workshop “empowering,” “enlightening,” and “transformational.”

Chakra-related topics include:

First chakra: grounding and survival.

Second chakra: sexuality and emotions.

Third chakra: power and will.

Fourth chakra: love and relationship.

Fifth chakra: communication and creativity.

Sixth chakra: intuition and archetypes.

Seventh chakra: consciousness and spirit.

Root chakra imbalance

Chakra’s Dream: Secret of the First Chakra

Do you keep repeating the same money issues? If you have been suffering about money, until that distress at the cellular level is cleared, you will continue to face the same money issues.

How can you sustain your dreams when your roots are cut off? When trees roots are severed, its growth gets stunned. The same thing happens with your first chakra or your root chakra. This chakra is the grounding, safety, support and foundation for your body and your finances. Your root chakra can only sustain a minimum if it is shriveled or in absolute survival mode. Is your root chakra bound up, constricted, tight, disconnected or cut off?

If your root was wounded or damaged when you were a child, that will continue on when you are an adult until you go in and make the necessary changes. The good news is that you don’t have to be conscious of these unconscious wounds. The high frequency of gratitude works on everything, the good, the bad and the totally unacceptable. The good will be increased while the bad and totally unacceptable will transform.

Your Root Chakra — Survival, Trust, Safety, and Family

We are more powerful than we ever realized and the wisdom that we have stored is limitless. I’d like to help you uncover the wisdom that is locked away in your body, mind, and energy system so that you can shine your light and brilliance in all areas of your life!

You have 7 main energy centers that run through your body. They begin in your sacrum and run up your spine ending just outside the top of your head. Each chakra represents life issues, corresponds to specific areas of your body and each of those body parts have information about you and your life, in particular what you believe and perceive.

Your seven energy centers are:

Root Chakra — Instinctual Need for Survival.

Sacral Chakra — Pleasure Seeker.

Solar Chakra — Power Driver.

Heart Chakra — Searching for Love.

Throat Chakra — Expressing Your Truth.

Brow Chakra — Transcending Beyond Ego.

Crown Chakra — Spiritual Awakening.

In this series of blog posts, we will explore these energy centers and see what nuggets of gold are stored there waiting for your discovery. The most beautiful thing about life is that we have choice, and if we do not like how our life is shaping up, we can examine our thoughts and beliefs to see where we can shift and make different choices.

Understanding the information that your chakras have for you allows you to make choices to keep things as they are and do nothing different, or clear, balance and heal your chakras and the issues associated with them and then make empowered choices to support the pursuit of your goals.

The Root Chakra is found at the base of your spine. This is your foundation. The basic issues associated with the root chakra are instinct, safety, survival, grounding, family, security, boundaries, and new beginnings. The body parts associated with the root chakra are coccyx, anus, large intestine, adrenal glands, back, leg, feet and bones.

You will find family wounds and tribal beliefs are stored in the body in this area. Health of this chakra is associated with your upbringing and early life. Inheritance of tribal programming of 1st and 2nd generation immigrants to the US is prevalent here.

You can change your life by looking at the wisdom in your first chakra and seeing where you may be blocked or held back by beliefs tied to family loyalty or expectations but that are not serving your highest good. Perhaps your body is showing you that fear is stopping you. Often time, I help my clients discover where they are not feeling safe in their life.

Often we can clear issues associated with the above body areas or help facilitate the healing by tapping on those issues and clearing, balancing, and healing the root chakra.

If you are struggling in your relationships especially with issues of trust this is a first chakra issue. Some people just never feel safe at some level, in their jobs, or they feel there is never enough money, or no matter what they do they can never get ahead — these are all first chakra issues.

Fortunately this can be cleared, and you can shift your thinking, beliefs and actions so that you are experiencing the safety you deserve. It begins at the unconscious and energetic level and that is where we are working in the chakras.

Often, I find working with my clients that many people, women in particular never feel supported. They have this belief that in order for things to get done right, they have to do it themselves. This is a huge problem and I see it every day and how it insinuates itself into every aspect of your life.

This too can be cleared and changed as so many other challenges and issues that are related to the root chakra can be.

Since your energy flows up, if your energy is blocked in this chakra it is limiting the flow of energy in your body potentially impacting your health, success in relationships or with money or in your career.

Here are some questions to ask yourself, answer them honestly to see if you are blocked in your first chakra.

1. In what areas do you not feel safe?
2. In what areas do you feel there is not enough?
3. In what areas do you feel like you have no control or choice?
4. Where are you missing healthy boundaries?
5. Do you trust that life supports you?
6. Do you trust yourself to make supportive, healthy decisions?
7. Are you able to easily make decisions?

When all the energy in the root chakra is directed to survival, nothing is left over for your expansion and abundance. By spinning gratitude around the root chakra, it can increase and move from survival to abundance and a new life. As the root gets more energy, it creates more connections and more pathways that expand out further, creating a larger base for your life. All the areas that have previously been disconnected or disassociated can now be reconnected and start to flow and pulsate with new energy and aliveness. As the scars and wounds get transformed with spinning gratitude there is more space for the energies of abundance and delight to flow. The larger the base at your root chakra, the more magnificent your life can become. As we bring in spinning gratitude around your money issues, deep transformation occurs allowing more money to flow into your life.
A new way of being in abundance in cooperation with others and the earth unfolds in your life.

As you may recall, your chakras are energy vortexes throughout your body, which also appear to those who can see them as spinning wheels, like funnels, beginning from the base of your spine, and ending at the crown of your head. We begin at the First Chakra, or Root Chakra as it is the most physical; as we go through the chakras from bottom to top we go from more physical to more spiritual. The Root Chakra is the most physical of our chakras, and it vibrates at the lowest frequency.

