
Tranquil Fish
3 min readApr 23, 2023

Have you ever heard of skyfish? No, I’m not talking about some mythical creature from a children’s book. I’m talking about a real-life phenomenon that has been puzzling scientists for years.

Skyfish, also known as rods, are elongated, flying objects that have been captured on film and video by amateur and professional photographers alike. They are named skyfish because of their resemblance to fish swimming through water.

But what are they really? Some believe they are a type of undiscovered species, while others think they could be extraterrestrial in origin. Regardless of their origin, one thing is for sure: they are fascinating.

The first recorded sighting of skyfish was in 1994, when Jose Escamilla, a filmmaker and UFO enthusiast, captured what he believed to be a fleet of alien spacecraft flying over Roswell, New Mexico. Upon reviewing the footage, he noticed a strange, elongated object darting through the air at an incredible speed. He dubbed this object a “rod,” and thus the phenomenon of skyfish was born.

Since then, skyfish sightings have been reported all over the world, from the deserts of Saudi Arabia to the forests of Brazil. The most common way to capture them on film is by using high-speed cameras that can record up to thousands of frames per second. In some cases, skyfish have even been seen with the naked eye, appearing as translucent…



Tranquil Fish

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