1 min readJun 18, 2016

When it’s all said and done

are lessons better learned

thru brute force

or a caring turn of hand

whereas the recipient

is made to understand

why it has come to this

due to consistent inconsideration

for all those outside of self

how quick does one forget

the chances allowed to demonstrate

what was taught from day 1

the expectation

became a sticking point

eventually the seed

would bear its own fruits

but not before instilling

the proper nourishment required

which encourages

the path to be set

into adulthood

thus allowing one

the opportunity to look back

to say this was done

and can now be build upon

so as not to pass out

another ass whooping

just to benefit that moment

instead exhibit diligence

as a compassionate comeuppance

may last a lifetime | BSNV🔱 #bossanovadiscourse




King Pen| in script lines dictate matter & space; in space what matters is where the matter is; in prose thoughts become the sequence in which matter exists✒️LA