JonBenet Ramsey Part 1 |Morbid | Podcast Transcript

Morbid Podcast on Transcript Forest

Transcript Forest
8 min readJan 14, 2023

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Length46 mins

Released: September 19, 2022

Hey, weirdos, I’m Ash. And I’m Alayna. And this is Morbid.

It’s Morbid in the morning. Morbid in the morning. And this is a redo, a remix, a remaster. We decided to revisit the JonBenet Ramsey case because one, there’s been a little talk of it in the news lately with the possibility of DNA testing happening. And I just thought we could do a better job with this case.

I think the original JonBenet episodes were recorded when we were recording separately too. So the audio was like really terrible and we just know that we could do it better.

Yeah, I thought more stuff has come out. There was stuff that I just didn’t talk about or I felt like I rushed through. So I figured I would take the time to do what is going to be only a two-part. It’s not gonna go further than that. We’ll see. Two parts, I’m capping it at that

because we’re gonna talk about the crime. We’re gonna talk about some of the crazy stuff involved in the crime and the crime scene, the autopsy in part one. And then part two, we’re gonna really discuss the intruder theory. And we’re gonna discuss some of the suspects that have come out.

All right. So just putting it out there right now, I do not know who killed JonBenet Ramsey. Yeah. I’m not gonna say what my thoughts are on that because I don’t know. Yeah.

I wasn’t there. You guys, you know.

You have yours, I have mine. We all will think them in our heads and then someday DNA will confirm one of them. Yay. That’s all. But right now, I just wanna say that Jon Ramsey, JonBenet’s father, did launch a petition where he asked the Colorado government

to allow an independent agency to test DNA found at JonBenet’s crime scene. Okay. And is pushing very hard to have that happen. Wow. So there’s that. They’re still petitioning as we speak, police to allow Parabon Nano Labs,

which we’ve heard before. That’s like a pretty big lab that will test like especially old DNA. They’re petitioning to have them test the DNA. JonBenet’s half brother, John Andrew, is also helping his father try to get this push forward. Nice. And in August, they did,

Joe Biden did put forward a law that they were like really, the Ramseys were really, really like strong supporters of that allows victims’ families to help reopen cold cases. That’s awesome. So that was a big deal. Jon Ramsey told KIRO 7 News, quote, we wanna do whatever can be done technically and resource wise to find the killer of our daughter.

And if we do that and we can’t, then we will have to live with it. But to not do it is criminal and negligent and lazy. The Boulder police have said they are actively reviewing genetic DNA testing processes to try to make this happen, but it has not happened yet. All right. And I think there was a lot of like sensational news

coming out about it recently that everyone’s like, we’re gonna know within hours. What they were saying was if they give the DNA to Parabon Nano Labs, they could potentially have an answer in hours. That’s what they were saying. But at this point they have not been able to yet.

At this point it looks like they have not been

allowed to do that yet. Given the green light or whatever.

We will all update if and when that happens, but yeah. All right. So I just wanted to start that. And now let’s talk about JonBenet Ramsey. JonBenet Patricia Ramsey was born August 6, 1990 in Boulder, Colorado. She was born to John Bennett Ramsey and Patricia Patsy Ramsey.

Together they had JonBenet who was six at the time of this crime and her brother Burke who was nine years old at the time of this crime. Jon was the president of Access Graphics which is a computer company. They were a very well-off family. They lived in this beautiful Tudor style home. That home is beautiful.

Yeah, it’s a really beautiful house. But apparently it’s a very maze-like house. A lot of their former housekeeper actually said that. We’ll talk about her in the second part for sure. But she said it’s like very labyrinthian. So it can be like very confusing to get around. Okay. But not ideal.

Yeah. But Patricia was his second wife. He had three children from his first marriage, a son and two daughters. One daughter, Elizabeth actually passed away in a 1992 car crash.

Oh, I remember that. Yeah, so that’s like a lot of tragedy.

Definitely. Patricia Patsy was a former beauty queen from West Virginia. She had held the title of Miss West Virginia. So that’s like a big deal. She was beautiful for sure. Oh yeah. This was a big point of pride for her. She carried it down to her daughter, Jeanne Benet,

who also had entered pageants from a very young age, like baby. Jeanne Benet had won America’s Royal Miss, Little Miss, what is it? Little Miss Charleroi, Little Miss Colorado, National Tiny Miss Beauty, Colorado State All-Star Kids Cover Girl. I think she’s won more, but that’s like a good lineup

that I found. There you go. I’m not gonna share my thoughts on pageants. Pageants are definitely not easy for a kid this age. They’re not just them walking out and being like, yay. And then it’s like, that’s it. It’s like a lot of hard work.

You’ve seen toddlers in Tiaras, I know it. Yeah, I have not, but.

Not you, I meant them.

Yeah, but.

I know that fact, you have not. You’re like, I know you have. She was wearing a lot of makeup, wore very interesting and adult costumes at times. Did she have a flipper? Yeah, I was just gonna talk about that, actually. She also had her hair lightened. Yeah.

It was like bleached. And I was just gonna say, kids that age usually wear flippers to cover missing teeth, which I never understood because it’s normal and adorable for kids that are six to have missing teeth. That’s like one of the hilarious and adorable parts of six-year-olds.

It’s not like you’re like old Miss California, like showing up on stage with no teeth. Well, that’s the thing. So if these pageants are looking to truly find

an adorable child who is age appropriate and not a baby who has been turned into an adult, then why would missing teeth matter in the judging process?

I would not happen to know.

Wouldn’t it only help? Like to me, that would only help because they’re children and they should be looked at as children. And you should be like, oh my God, look at that cute little baby. Yeah, 100%. With her missing front teeth. Like, that’s a baby, that’s cute.

We’re supposed to be judging them based off of them being a child, but that to me just proves that they’re being judged to look like an adult. Yeah, 100%.

Which again, I’m not gonna share my thoughts on.

Yeah, that’s why I just said, yeah.

You know that I was almost a pageant baby?

I don’t, I wouldn’t allow that to happen. No, I know. You know what’s wild?

My mom actually wouldn’t allow it to happen. My grandma on my dad’s side, like really wanted me to do pageants. And my mom was like, I don’t think so. You know what, that checks out. It does, it certainly does. I think, I’m not positive if my grandma on that side did pageants, but.

But she wanted you to. She sure did. Because you were a beautiful baby. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know. I don’t either, I don’t either. So there was definitely some pageant mom behavior that was really focused on later when this case broke.

It is unfortunate that that became the focus of this case, I think. Yeah, because that shouldn’t be the focus.

Because. It should be just the fact that Jean Bonnet was killed. Yeah, it’s tough.

Which we all, we all did it. We all looked at this and we’re like, what the fuck is going on there? Like, that was my first thought was like, what is happening here?

I know that people get really upset now. Like when you say it was a different time. But it’s literally just a fact. It truly was. We all as a collective society, maybe not all of us, but as a collective society, we all were different. We’re growing. Back then and growing to where we are now.

And I think we’ve got to a place where we can look at it a little more, a little differently. Exactly, and we can look at it like, I think we’ve all seen that the media doesn’t give you the full story. And I think back then we were looking at it and going, holy shit, this is it.

That’s all, like they’re giving us all.

Very, very sensationalized.

Yeah, and it’s like, I think now we are better equipped

as a society, at least slightly, some of us, to look at it and go, okay, that is part of the story. But there’s more to this. And I shouldn’t really just take this at face value of what’s splashed on a tabloid page. Exactly, like let’s dig a little deeper

because I’ve seen, and I know you’ve seen in your research, like particular sources, you double check it and it’s not even correct.

And it’s not correct, that’s the thing. So I think that’s the reason too, why we want to redo some of these that we did even in the beginning of the podcast. Absolutely. Because we even look at things differently now. Absolutely. By doing this podcast,

I feel like I look at things differently. So that’s why some of these are being redone because it’s just like, I can look at this differently and more complete now. And I feel like I can give you guys something better to look at and make your own decision on. Yeah, I mean, three to four years ago,

like you do change a lot,

especially when you’re doing this day in and day out. Yeah, and I think it’s, I like to go into things now

like less with like, this is what I think happened,

even if it’s, you know what I mean? And more like, here are the facts, make your own decision. Yeah, it’s like, I just want to try to give you what happened and be like, you guys have, you know, until we have definitive answers, this is all we can go off of. But no matter what, it’s really hard to argue against the fact that there was 100% some pageant mom behavior.

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