Product traceability: what it is and how it works

5 min readDec 21, 2023


Customers and clients are evolving, and many of them now have a desire to know where items come from and how long they took to get to them. Traceability has therefore gained significant importance for businesses. However, what does it entail and why is it significant for businesses?

What is traceability?

The term “traceability” describes a product’s capacity to be tracked and followed from its point of origin to its destination. across the whole process of manufacturing, distributing, and selling.

It basically entails creating and keeping accurate, thorough documentation that makes it possible to determine each product’s origin, destination, and any interactions it may have had with people, equipment, or other objects while traveling.

Why is it crucial for businesses to manage the supply chain’s traceability software?

It is crucial to have exact control over supply chain traceability software. It enables you to promptly recognize and address any potential issue. Furthermore, via process optimization and identification of weak areas, it can aid in increasing supply chain efficiency.

A thorough record of every step of the production and distribution process is required to attain successful supply chain traceability. Additionally, all parties engaged in the supply chain — from suppliers to retailers to final customers — must cooperate and work together.

Technology is always beneficial, and in this instance, it may enhance the use of supply chain traceability by means of instruments like online tracking platforms, RFID tags, barcodes, and supply chain management systems. in actual time. In this regard, SAP may be quite beneficial.

Benefits of accurate traceability for businesses

For businesses, optimal product traceability may have a lot of advantages. Benefits that might change based on the business type and sector:

Product traceability software makes it possible for businesses to promptly detect and monitor any quality problems that can emerge in their supply chain. For instance, traceability may assist a food firm in promptly determining the origin of a food safety problem discovered in one of its products and in taking the necessary steps to stop it from happening again in the future.

Expense reduction:

Product traceability aids businesses in locating and getting rid of wasteful spending in their supply chains. Traceability may really be used by a logistics business, for instance, to streamline its transit routes and cut down on wait times. It can therefore save expenses and boost productivity.

Increased client confidence:

This was touched upon in the opening of the piece. Product traceability can increase supply chain transparency. Additionally, it gives customers precise information about the product’s quality and place of origin. A fashion firm, for instance, may increase customer trust and brand loyalty by using traceability to show that its items are made environmentally and ethically.
Risk reduction: Product traceability aids businesses in recognizing and reducing supply chain risks. Traceability may help a technology organization detect and lower the danger of an interruption in the supply of essential components, improving business continuity and lowering financial risk.

What types of traceability exist?

Several forms of traceability can be used, depending on the goal that has to be accomplished. These hold the utmost significance.
Internal traceability
This concentrates on the oversight and management of the business’s internal operations, starting with the delivery of the finished product and ending with the receiving of raw materials. Internal traceability lowers expenses and boosts production efficiency while helping the business identify areas for process improvement.

External traceability

This kind of traceability is centered on the external processes that the organization monitors and controls. Furthermore, it enables the business to guarantee the caliber of the goods and adhere to the laws and norms that are relevant in any nation or area where its goods are marketed. goods. It also contributes to raising brand trust and consumer happiness, which is another benefit.

Backward traceability

The goal of backward traceability is to monitor and manage the supply chain backwards. from the product’s place of origin to the point of sale, always. When there are quality issues or health alerts like COVID-19, it is helpful. Actually, it enables you to locate the issue’s source fast and take action to stop it from happening again. Because it may assist the business streamline the supply chain and enhance supplier management, this kind of traceability is crucial.

Forward traceability

This focuses on the direct monitoring and management of the supply chain, starting at the product’s place of origin and ending at the point of sale. By enabling customers to know the provenance and caliber of the goods they are buying, forward traceability improves business transparency and fosters customer confidence.
Complete traceability

The four earlier forms of traceability are combined in this category. In other words, it gives the business a thorough understanding of the product’s whole supply chain, from its point of origin to its ultimate destination. In the event of quality issues or health concerns, complete traceability is quite helpful. Additionally, it makes it possible to locate the issue’s root cause quickly and take action to stop it from happening again. Furthermore, it may assist the business in lowering expenses, increasing customer happiness, and increasing production efficiency.


In summary, traceability, the ability to track a product from origin to destination, has become a vital aspect of modern business operations, driven by the changing expectations of informed consumers. Businesses must maintain precise control over supply chain traceability for swift issue identification, process optimization, and collaboration across stakeholders. Technology, including tools like online tracking platforms and RFID tags, enhances real-time monitoring, with TransGenie Product Traceability Software standing out as a comprehensive solution for streamlined operations and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Accurate traceability offers benefits such as rapid detection of quality issues, cost reduction through optimized operations, increased customer confidence through transparency, and risk mitigation by addressing potential disruptions. Different forms of traceability, including internal, external, backward, forward, and complete, cater to specific business goals, contributing to a holistic understanding of the supply chain.

As businesses navigate an era of heightened consumer scrutiny and regulatory demands, embracing traceability is not just essential but strategic. It positions companies for efficiency, transparency, and customer-centricity. TransGenie Product Traceability Software emerges as a key ally in this journey, empowering businesses to navigate the complexities of modern supply chains with confidence and precision.




TransGenie, is a modular solution that can career to a wide range of industrial use cases with last mile deliveries industry.