Meet Esther & Rodolfo

TRANSIT | Digital Art Berlin
3 min readJan 16, 2018


These two creatives know about your love life. True story. Not convinced? Then come by TRANSIT’s upcoming exhibition at Holzmarkt and check out their new interactive installation “Love Test”: an AI that can objectively measure the intensity of your kiss.

Esther & Rodolfo, 2018 Berlin| Image credit:

TRANSIT: How did you get started doing what you do? What inspired you?

Esther: Rodolfo is often experimenting with electronics (i.e. transforming old electronic toys he buys in flea markets into new curious gadgets). Esther reads about AI, futurism, the history of computers and the biographies of those who invented it. One day we discovered J. Presper Eckert and his ’osculometer’ machine. Inspired by his humor we thought: Berlin and 2018 is a perfect place and time for a replica of this ingenious experiment.

TRANSIT: What do you hope to accomplish with your work? What’s your ambition artistically?

Esther: At a time when Tinder is no longer taboo, finally, we would like to give people a excuse for kissing each other in a public space and see how they feel. We also want to stimulate a reflection about collective expectations with regards to new technologies.

TRANSIT: What kind of creative patterns, routines or rituals do you have?

Rodolfo: We both work with arts, new technologies and design in our daily basics. New and non-profit ideas are breaking into our minds continuously. When we fall in love with one of these ideas, we feel the strong need of getting it out there. TRANSIT’s exhibition is the perfect space for developing this kind of experimental project. We are glad to be part of it.

TRANSIT: Last question. What’s the best advice you’ve been given to succeed as a creative?

Rodolfo: First thought is the most important one. Don’t overthink it, start sketching, and you will figure out how to solve problems during the process. Eat vegetables.

Esther Rizo is a digital designer with a background in art, documentary and visual design. Since she moved to Berlin in 2011, she has been working for innovative projects, creating interfaces and user journeys to improve the usability of digital and analogue products. Her recent focus has been design thinking and user-centered practices. Esther’s design is devoted to the world and responsible for the way we influence our surroundings: “The future demands the creative capacities and technical abilities of designers, scientist and artists to become more democratic, sane and intelligent.“

Rodolfo Acosta was born in Mexico and moved to Berlin ten years ago — studying Cultural History and Theory at Humboldt University. Impressed by lectures about the history of media, he took advice from Friedrich Kittler and taught himself the basics of electronics and programming. This experimentation with electronics has developed into an obsession- regularly mixing the fumes of solder with the aroma of green tea long into the night.

TRANSIT | Digital Art Berlin produces cutting-edge digital art experiences — a special series of cultural events and exhibitions at the intersection of art and technology. With a focus on interactive productions and immersive event designs, we make digital art tangible.

»Rendered Personas: Digital Perspectives on Image and Identity«

In the upcoming exhibition 10+ artists explore the shifting concepts of perception, representation, and truth in virtual and ‘real’ reality.

How do you frame your authentic self? Through your public image, digital self-portraits, or offline presence? Where do your proxy personalities intersect? Does your innermost core shine through the scaffolding of social media? Who are you, really?!

Interactive Installations. Digital Animations. Generative Art. VR. Artist Talks. AV Performances. Live DJ/VJ Sets.

Opening: Saturday January 27, 2018 // 5pm — midnight

Duration: January 27–30, 2018 // 5pm — 22pm

Venue: Artistenhalle @ Holzmarkt // Holzmarktstr 25, 10243 Berlin

▓▒░░ A big shout out to our friends at Grover. Without their generous support this digital extravaganza wouldn’t have been possible! ░░▒▓



TRANSIT | Digital Art Berlin

TRANSIT produces unique digital art experiences — a special series of cultural events at the intersection of art and technology in Berlin’s creative centre.