Signs You’re More Attractive Than You Think

Here are the most important signs that you are an attractive person to others — even if you think you aren’t.

Jojo Geller
6 min readSep 6, 2020
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Many of us always wonder what other people think of us. We spend so much time trying to groom ourselves and be more presentable to them, or to look better because we care about what other people think of us. You have to admit, most of the time, how people see you determines the way they’ll treat you. Most people depend on how many relationships they’ve had, or how popular they are among friends or on social media to get a gauge of how attractive they are, and so on. But, I must tell you, this isn’t always an accurate way to measure your attractiveness.

Here are some important signs you are more attractive to others than you think:

You don’t get a lot of compliments

Believe it or not, this is true! It is easy for us to assume that we don’t get compliments because we don’t look good enough as we thought we did, but it might be the total opposite of what you’re thinking. You think you are attractive enough to have all eyes on you, but you end up not getting any compliments, then you start thinking that there is something wrong with you. Logically, getting a lot of compliments means that you are good-looking, right. But psychology has a different perspective. When we see a gorgeous person, we assume that he/she must have very high self-esteem. As a result, we rarely complement those people, or give them fewer compliments, because we assume that they already know how gorgeous they are like everybody already knows! So, don’t let the lack of complements make you think you aren’t an attractive person, you might look more gorgeous than you think.

The compliments you receive sound apathetic

This is a whole new perspective for the compliments thing. We mentioned above that you are rarely complimented, but finally, when you get the compliment you have been waiting for, it sounds insincere and emotionless! You receive this as the last confirmation that you are not special in any way. Remember what we talked about in the last sign? We tend to think that hot people know already how hot they are, so we don’t see much sense in paying extra attention to the compliments we give on something they are already aware of. This is the main reason why the compliments you get sound so mundane and trivial. So, you don’t need to worry, if you have been facing it, then you may be more attractive than you think.

You get a lot of eye contact from strangers

Our body language always tells us what we are really feeling. So, if someone keeps looking at you even for short periods of time, it means he likes what he sees, and he/she thinks you are very attractive. When someone makes direct eye contact with you while he/she is smiling, it can convey the strong emotions he/she has for you. This is considered as a subconscious attempt to establish contact with you.

But, don’t confuse it with someone staring right into your eyes seriously! Because this sometimes can imply his secret aggression towards you.

There is a third type of eye contact, which is a person who keeps staring at you and keeps doing it even when you notice it, this means he is really interested in you, and he/she has the desire to know more about who you are. It might seem creepy for some people, but let’s be honest, it is still a positive response to how attractive and good looking you are.

You notice that people raise their eyebrows when they see you

Again, body language can never lie, the more you know about body language, the easier you can read people like an open book. Raising the eyebrows is one of the proven body responses that happen subconsciously and automatically when seeing a gorgeous person. It is confirmed by science and research that we raise our eyebrows to show a friendly gesture, and it is a subconscious action to open our eyes wider to see this beautiful and good looking person even more! So, if people raise their eyebrows when looking at you, it means that you are more attractive than you think you are.

People have the “Duck Lip” facial expression when they look at you

You might think that I lost my mind or kidding at this point because let's be honest, it sounds so creepy! But try to keep up with me, I’ll explain. We all know the “Duck Lips” or “Duck Face” facial expression that some people do when they are taking selfies, it is an action that can account several times when you are with someone you like. Relationship experts think that it is subconsciously connected to a wish to kiss the person in front of you. The same goes for staring at your lips, or if someone licks his lips, and it is a really good sign if you ever wondered whether your crush is into you. If this happened with you often, there is a chance that the person who does this has romantic feelings for you. So, if any of the mentioned above happens often with you, then you are more attractive than you think.

People try to approach you all the time

This is a fact, we all try to approach the people we feel attracted to, or if they are good looking. This can be explained by psychology, that we tend to keep a distance from people that we aren’t into or not attracted to, and on the other hand, we try to get closer to people we are attracted to, or to people who give us positive vibes. During a conversation, if a person leans in, keeps eye contact, and tried to touch your hand or arms, so be sure that they find you really attractive.

People are surprised to find out that you have problems or low self-esteem

We assume that attractive and good looking people can’t have complexes or low self-esteem. So, if people around you are shocked when you start talking about your complexes, it means that your problems with how you look are only in your head. You might be surprised how many people think that your life is perfect, and the fact that you are having issues would irritate them so much because you have so many advantages and perfect life in their opinion. So, if this sounds like something familiar to you, then you are more attractive than you think!

People are too polite or too unfriendly with you

If people are either acting too polite or too unfriendly with you all the time, this means only one thing, that they think you are special and not ordinary to them in a way or another! Confident and successful people who think they are attractive and good looking appreciate the same qualities in other people. People who treat you in a very friendly way see you on an equal level to them. On the other hand, some people will treat you with a very negative attitude, which means they might be jealous of you being on a higher level than they are. In this case, you need to learn to not let them get to you personally and to not get upset about it. hey just envy you and you make them realize their lack of self-confidence, and they have to behave this way around you. Don’t waste your time on them, just focus on the first group of people who treat you the best. So, if you notice this happens to you, then you are more attractive than you think.

All the mentioned signs confirm that you are 100% physically attractive to other people, and you need to be more confident about yourself. Don’t forget that it requires inner harmony to glow, not to have the golden ratio of the facial features. Don’t try hard to fit in the mold of the flawless person, you need to embrace your unique characteristics and your imperfections too. There is nothing more beautiful than a person who loves himself/herself and appreciates all the good qualities they have, and knows their worth.

If you liked my article, please refer to my other articles, I write about mindsets, relationship advice, businesses, and everything that can make people happy and change their lives.



Jojo Geller

Hello, I am Jojo, an ambitious writer, reader, and translator, writing and reading are my passion, not my work, I like to know more and spread the knowledge!