Are You a TERF?

Rachel Anne Williams
7 min readFeb 24, 2019

How to tell if you’re a trans exclusionary radical feminist

UPDATE 2023: I wrote all these essays back when I was immersed in trans ideology. I detransitioned and I’ve changed my mind about many things.

What are TERFs?

TERFs are trans exclusionary radical feminists. One might think it is easy to determine who is or isn’t a TERF. Are you a feminist? Are you radical in your feminism? Do you exclude trans people? Then you’re a TERF. (And btw, it’s not a slur against women — anybody can be a TERF — it’s simply a way to describe a particular philosophical view in regards to trans people).

But it’s not so simple to define what it means to be a TERF. First of all, what does it mean to be “radical” in your feminism? This is a complicated question and there’s no one size fits all answer. And what does it mean to exclude trans people? Many TERFs claim to be inclusive of trans women insofar as welcoming them into their homes or whatever. So what exactly does “exclusionary” mean? I will answer these questions in this article.

What Does It Mean to be Radical?

“Radical” means getting down to the root, so radical feminists believe they are cutting down to the core of the issue when it comes to their feminism. With…

