Xentimentum : IoT Blockchain 4.0 to Build a Medical Environment

3 min readOct 18, 2018

Xentimentum is utilized in many industries such as Medical devices, Drug manufacturing, and Healthcare IoT to provide safe access to stored medical information which written on blockchain, and to provide platform to create application using the same.


The XTM project is used for IoT devices and provides a protocol that allows a large amount of data to be safely moved and utilized at high speed. Based on the technology of XTM, the design and block chain is used in industries such as medical information, pharmaceutical manufacturing, management and logistics, artificial intelligence medical devices, healthcare IoT and etc.


1/ DAG Consensus Algorithm: Xentimentum uses DAG consensus algorithm, as a way to connect block chains more quickly and effectively. This DAG algorithm has a high degree of freedom and scalability not only in directionality but also eliminates unnecessary circulation and has a low commission.

2/ Blockchain Optimization System: Xentimentum, which is directly connected to the safety of users and deals with important information, is always updated and designed to evolve.

3/ Optimal Results Derivation and Prediction System Utilizing Medical Device Results: Xentimentum statistically analyzes the data by using the functional data derived from the medical device. By using AI technology to analyze infinite samples, this will lead to future developments. When the number of derived data increases, highly reliable results are obtained.

4/Sharing Medical Information: Xentimentum provides an accurate and objective medical information for doctors when constructing big data by combining IoT applications.

5/ Multi-Layer Blockchains: Xentimentum consists of three layers, based on side-chain and cross-chain communication, enabling faster and more accurate block chain operation

6/ Stability: Xentimentum encrypts information and distributes it in many small blocks to prevent hacking fundamentally. In addition, the patient can reconstruct his entire data into one large block safely and freely whenever they want to use it.

7/ Transparency: Xentimentum makes it possible for anyone to know how, when, how, and what information, who, and why they use medical devices and medical data in a transparent way, so that they can be controlled within Xentimentum

8/Consistency: Transactions stored in Xentimentum are permanently immutable, and data in Xentimentum can be processed and reacted continuously by IoT applications that can be monitored all the time.

9/Rapidity: Xentimentum is able to produce track results up to 300 M TPS in the current technology development stage. This is the highest level of processing speed among existing block-chain projects.

10/Interoperability: Xentimentum allows you to freely connect multiple applications based on your basic data, medical device data and all information. Xentimentum which based on a block chain provides a platform that allows transactions to be made at any time and available to any application and to communicate with each other.

Token Distribution

  • SymbolXTM
  • Token Contract Adress0x2440D0Ab14686ea821DDC440b63C95809a8CCbAF
  • Token Supply50 Billion
  • Airdrop Bounty15 Billion
  • Ecosystem Development12.5 Billion
  • Marketing10 Billion
  • Team7.5 Billion ( 2 years — lock )
  • Advisors & Partners2.5 Billion ( 6 Months — lock)
  • Reserved Funds2.5 Billion

