The Psychology of the “ET Phenomenon”

3 min readSep 22, 2022


I recently read an article about people who believe they have been abducted by ETs from a fellow medium member who I follow. While reading it though I found myself caring about how people see the subject again. I usually don’t give two fucks what others think on the subject somewhat becuase I know eventually it will unfold on its own terms at a suitable time (I know thats cliche). But I did, I felt a small little tickle between my small intestine and my cranium that was like, “hold up bro, you should write something.” Admittedly that could’ve also been the Oreo Cheesecake milk shake I had eaten the night before ;P. Me and my lactose intolerant ass.

So why do I want to touch on this? I think I just want to say for now, is that it is always good to be skeptical, and you should always question anything that might seem “out there.” If you find yourself being curious about a certain topic then definitely explore it, and remember to keep in mind that there will always be many people from diff POVs with different things to say about the subject. One person will say one thing about it, and another will say something else. But I guess all I can do is to encourage you to keep looking, becuase somewhere inside of you, you had a hit. Something telling you, “hey, check this shit out!, ” and to keep looking until you stumble on something that makes you go, “ Ah, now that seems like theres something there.”

I had so much doubt and confusion and fear when I first started being aware of my interactions with ETs, and wasn’t quite sure where to turn to. I did end up being a bit mis lead, but eventually that got sorted out and I made my way towards more clarity. I can understand why some people interpret their experiences in various ways. Sometimes it can be very difficult to describe and even to recollect, and very odd things occur that make you question everything you think you know about reality. The way I have experienced ETs is that not only are they very technologically advanced, but also and this is the best way that I can put this, is that they are also very aware of their connection to all things and that to me is the important part, becuase most of the things that they are witnessed to do has more so to do with that then their technology. I would say technology is a side effect to a species understanding and awareness of who and what exactly they are.

We as human beings can’t even begin to understand phenomenon that we perceive on the bridge where theory meets reality. Even with the basics, our scientific understanding begins to crumble, but thats what I like about science. It will always remain an open book that is indefinitely subject to change. So I encourage anyone to keep that in mind when someone is attempting to describe something that happened to them. Not just anything, but something that defies every day experience. The mind tries to wrap its head around events with things it knows. It refers, and refers some more to try and paint a picture. A reasonably open mind though allows for more contrast, and more colors to refer to, which in a sense can give their picture more clarity. I think many can agree that that is good practice.

I will conclude this little piece by referring my readers to John Macks work. He is always the first person that I refer people to when they are genuinely curious. Mostly becuase he opens the door to more legitimacy around the subject as he was the head of the department of psychiatry at Harvard Med School, which to me shows that he can analyze a situation in an honest and professional manner. Keep in mind that since we are in the infancy of trying to understand such a phenomenon, that attempting to explore, observe, and discuss can be very challenging. Honesty with your self and others is best practice.

