Managing Your Airbnb from Afar: Strategies for Remote Airbnb Management Success

Travel Like No Other
4 min readJun 1, 2023

Whether you’re a full-time traveller or simply away from home on occasion, managing your Airbnb from a distance can be tricky. But with the right managed airbnb property strategies, you can streamline the process and earn top ratings from guests without having to be present. Here’s how to make remote Airbnb management succeed for you.

#1. Understand Your Role and Responsibilities as an Airbnb Host

First things first: familiarise yourself with the role of an Airbnb host and what it entails. You are responsible for providing your guests with a safe, clean, and comfortable place to stay — regardless of whether or not you are physically present at the property. That includes everything from ensuring that all managed airbnb property guest requests are met promptly to making sure any necessary maintenance is taken care of in a timely manner. Knowing exactly what is expected of you will help ensure that remote management goes smoothly.

#2. Choose Your Property Carefully

When choosing an Airbnb property to manage remotely, consider its location carefully (especially if it’s in another country). Think about which services may be hard or impossible to access remotely (such as repairs) as well as any potential safety concerns associated with being away from home while hosting guests at your property. Also take into account local laws regarding rental properties; some cities have specific regulations regarding short-term rentals managed airbnb property that could affect how well your remote management efforts go over in certain areas.

#3. Set Up Systems for Cleaning & Maintenance

One key aspect of successful long-distance Airbnb management is finding reliable cleaners who can keep up with regular checkouts/check ins and deep cleaning between bookings so that guests always find their accommodation spotless upon arrival — no matter where you are located physically when they arrive! Make sure these managed airbnb property cleaners understand all relevant regulations related to Covid-19 sanitation requirements such as wearing masks and gloves when working inside spaces rented out by Airbnbs.

Additionally, create systems for tracking maintenance issues such as plumbing, HVAC repair, electrical work etc. You should also keep detailed records on any managed airbnb property preventive maintenance tasks like replacing filters etc., so they don’t become urgent problems later on down the line. This way, even if something does come up while you’re away, someone else can easily take care of it quickly instead of waiting until after your return.

#4. Create Clear Policies & Procedures

Create policies outlining everything guests need to know before arriving at your rental including house rules, expectations around noise levels/guest behaviour etc., check-in/checkout times & procedures, emergency contact info in case something goes wrong during their stay (this could include both managed airbnb property locals who know the area well like close family members/friends plus experts like locksmiths). Make sure all these policies & procedures are clearly communicated through email/text messages prior to each booking so there’s no confusion about expectations when people arrive at your property.

#5. Invest in Technology

Investing in technology solutions such as smart locks or cameras helps improve security both for yourself & also for those staying at your rental space while allowing them access without needing physical keys or passwords each time they enter/exit premises(depending on type used ). Automated temperature control systems make it easy for tenants to adjust settings according to their managed airbnb property personal preferences without worrying about whether the air conditioning unit is running too hot/cold due not being able to turn off fans manually when needed etc. Plus there’s added peace of mind knowing that anything else going wrong inside space will likely trigger alerts sent directly via phone app — giving quick heads up if anything needs attention straightaway which may help save time money down road compared fixing larger damage caused by neglecting minor issues at an early stage.

#6. Communicate Effectively

Communicating effectively is essential to a successful long-distance relationship between host tenants, especially since they have limited opportunity to meet face to face and discuss matters other than booking details and exchange pleasantries during check-in checkout times itself. Use channels such as instant messaging platforms text message email regularly provide tenants updates important information and answer queries promptly. This way I won’t feel isolated and frustrated staying there even though I have never seen the landlord.

#7. Develop Relationships With Local Experts

Even though won’t be able to attend the location yourself doesn’t mean totally dependent others handle day day responsibilities associated running successful AirBnB business. Develop relationships with good local professionals experienced in handling repairs and other maintenance needs. Establish managed airbnb property contacts here ahead of time just in case something comes up while away then assign them tasks taking care of issues efficiently quickly. Don’t forget to offer incentives doing job well rewards loyalty.

These tips should provide a solid foundation for getting started managing AirBnBs remotely. As always, best practice experiments try different managed airbnb property strategies to find the most efficient business model. Ultimately, learning to develop a system works best in particular situations and the success rate increases significantly.

