Travel Bug: Final Project

Travel Bug
2 min readJul 29, 2021


This is the first of four blog posts detailing the team’s process, triumphs and challenges during these final two weeks of the software development course.

Week 1:

Day 1 — Monday

This morning, we kicked off our week with a session in which our technical coach, Josue, explained what is expected of us for our final project, and provided us with resources we could use to plan our project effectively.

The teams and the tech stacks we would be using were published shortly after, our group was tasked with creating a project using Javascript!

Meet the Team:

The four of us came together after the kick-off to share our ideas on what we should create and we agreed on regular morning stand-ups, lunchtime and end of day catch-up meetings.

After quick deliberation, we landed on an idea: a web application that uses the GOV.UK foreign travel advice API, sorts the list of countries on the GOV.UK website, and presents the travel requirements of potential holiday destinations with a user-friendly interface.

We quickly got to work on an MVP model, and posted it to our Trello board, which we decided to use track the progress of our tasks.

Our MVP model supports; user creation, an explore page that allows you to view all countries on the red, amber, amber plus and green lists.

We spent the rest of the day setting up our files and folder structure, excited about getting stuck in and getting the project underway.

Day 2 — Tuesday

We quickly divided into pairs and each took on an MVP user story to work on.

  1. Getting the API to render on our web page and show the lists of red, amber and green countries.
  2. Authentication — User sign up, sign in and sign out

Using our previous Acebook project as reference we managed to complete the authentication unit tests and feature tests for our project quite quickly, and created our sign up and sign in web pages. All tests were green.

As one pair worked on getting the API on the explore page, the other pair decided to take the last two hours of the day and work on drawing up design ideas to bring to the group.

At our end of day meeting we each shared the progress we have made: the API rendering on our web page, authentication was complete and we agreed on the ideal look for our website. Success!!

