Playing with Words: A Journey through the Writing Style of the Art of Travel

Rachel Sanchez
4 min readAug 19, 2023
Art of travel book review

Exploring the Magic of How Words Work

In a big world of connected thoughts, just like how Alain de Botton’s “The Art of Travel” shines, the way words play can also be fascinating. Mixing thought patterns, vivid descriptions, and personal touches, this writing style isn’t just about the topic — it’s like a mirror showing how we can express ourselves.

Traveling through Words

At its heart, this writing style is like a map, guiding us through thoughts in an interesting way. It’s not just about the main topic, but it’s more like a game of ideas. With each sentence, it opens doors to new ways of thinking, making us look at things differently.

Words as Friends: Inside and Outside

Usually, stories focus on characters and places, but this style is different. It’s like talking to a friend who’s interested in everyone’s stories. Just as we go to different places in a story, this style takes us to places in our minds. It’s like thinking about how we feel and what we dream about while reading.

The Way Words Dance

1. Finding Hidden Meanings: Just like de Botton uncovers travel’s hidden sides, this style digs into the layers of words, revealing things beyond the surface.

2. Changing Tones: The style switches between serious and fun, just like how de Botton changes how he talks about things.

3. Noticing Small Stuff: Like artists see special things in normal scenes, this style makes the everyday words interesting.

4. Discovering Ourselves: While we read, we might also think about ourselves. This style does the same, reminding us to pay attention to our thoughts.

Writing Style: Artistry in Words

The words in this writing style are like brushstrokes on a canvas, creating a picture with emotions. The tone changes smoothly between deep thinking and light moments, just like how de Botton’s writing does. It’s like listening to a friend sharing stories and giving ideas.

“Writing is like traveling through thoughts, and just like real travel, it can be fun and thought-provoking.”

Fit for Today’s World

In the year 2023, where screens are everywhere, this writing style still matters. It encourages us to look up from screens and notice real things. Just like how “The Art of Travel” tells us to see, feel, and learn, this style nudges us to do the same with words.

The Heart of Connection: Bridging Through Words

Just as “The Art of Travel” bridges gaps between cultures, this writing style connects readers with ideas. It’s like a bridge built with words, linking thoughts in an engaging way. Just as we cross geographical borders in stories, this style invites us to cross mental borders and explore beyond our usual thinking patterns.

A Friend’s Voice in Words

The tone of this writing style is like a friend’s voice — comforting and exciting at the same time. It’s like having a chat with a friend who tells you cool things and makes you think. Just like how “The Art of Travel” encourages us to explore, this style nudges us to explore the world of language and see where it takes us.

A Personal Reflection: How “The Art of Travel” Resonates

As a travel enthusiast and avid reader, “The Art of Travel” resonates deeply with me. This literary journey mirrors my own passion for exploration and storytelling.

As the writing style in this text weaves thoughts together, my experiences as a travel blogger have taught me that every journey, whether in real life or through the pages of a book, carries the potential for discovery and connection.

Much like how the book highlights the nuances of travel, I find that every place I visit and every narrative I immerse myself in contributes to a richer understanding of the world.

art of travel traveling travel tips

I have come to see that my love for travel and reading isn’t just a coincidence; it’s a symbiotic relationship. “The Art of Travel” underscores the importance of observing small details and finding significance in the ordinary. This resonates with me as a traveler who seeks to capture the essence of a place beyond its tourist spots.

Similarly, as a reader, I relish in the ability of words to transport me to distant lands and evoke emotions that transcend the boundaries of time and space.

This book serves as a reminder that the beauty of travel and reading lies not only in the destinations explored or the stories devoured, but in the way they shape our perceptions and enrich our lives.

Just as the writing style here entices with its balance of contemplation and camaraderie, my personal journey has taught me that the intersection of travel and reading holds boundless potential for personal growth and connection with the world around us.

Why It’s Worth Reading

This isn’t just words on a screen — it’s like an invitation to play with language. Like “The Art of Travel,” it’s not about the topic, but about how things are said. Imagine finding hidden meanings, changing how you talk, and noticing small details — just by reading differently.

Think of it as a journey through language, like exploring a new place but in your mind.

In a Nutshell: Words as Playmates

Like “The Art of Travel,” this style peels back layers. It’s not about places or topics, but about the adventure of ideas. Just like de Botton makes us think about life, this writing style makes us think about how words can be fun and interesting.



Rachel Sanchez

Travel Blogger + Content Creator. Traveling the world one destination at a time!