Data, information and knowledge. 3 aspects that will improve your trip.

3 min readFeb 23, 2018


You might have listened to the expression “information is power.” The phrase is commonly attributed to Sir. Francis Bacon, although there is no evidence whatsoever about his authorship in his writings. The phrase comes from the Latin “Scientia potential est” which means “knowledge itself is power.” It was written for the first time in the XVII century by Thomas Hobbes who was the secretary of Sir. Francis. Despite the doubts about its origin, the relevance of the expression reminds unaltered.

Nowadays, almost at the edge of the second decade of the XXI century, having information is having power more than ever before. What do we mean by that? Easy, we’re talking about data. Yes, data. Everything we do, buy, consume, search in the Internet is transformed into data and companies are dying for it. Let’s see why.

The amount of data stored in a global scale is almost incomputable. Nonetheless, it doesn’t matter how much data is out there, what is truly important is what you do with it, how you analyse it, how you implement business strategies from it and how much is your company willing to change in order to provide a better service based on your client’s needs.

With a great data interpretation platform, your company will be able to enable smart-thinking decisions, cost reduction plans and increase efficiency. If your company is not using big data tools, you might start thinking on doing it now. However, apart from not gathering the data or by not using it, there is another big problem. Fragmented data imagine you have all these pieces of information spread across your database without order or structure. Quite a mess, right?

One of the industries with the worst data interpretation system is the travel industry. That is why TravelContact, a start-up attempting to change the way the travel industry is heading, has developed a platform focused on unifying all the fragmented data travel planners and travel agencies have and are not using. Early last year, Ricardo Cazorla, TravelContact’s CEO explained to an article for the Travel Weekly magazine why changing the culture of data interpretation in the travel industry is so important. — “I think that the industry has always wanted to have this data readily available…agencies have a lot of data that they can analyse to take the advantage in order to sell more.”-

Basically, TravelContact’s mission is to revolutionize the travel industry by creating a data-driven, easy-to use communication flow for it users. They acknowledge that machines are giving us the data, but humans can only surpass expectations by identifying opportunities with extra value for their clients. TravelContact is listening the needs of an industry, interpreting the market, connecting the abilities of machines and humans, and outperforming the travel experience of the client. In our language, that is called Innovation.

TravelContact has understood the exact meaning of the “Information is power” ancient expression. They’ve put it in the centre of their mission; they’ve brought it from the XVII century, directly to our times.




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