Introducing TRAVELERS, the new NFT project coming to the Oasis Emerald Paratime

Travelers NFT
7 min readApr 9, 2022


The new project explores the mythos of “Travelers,” which are said to be ancient and mysterious spiritual beings known to visit Earth and humans.

Specifically, the project is about four Travelers in particular.

Nuts & Bolts

The NFTs will consist of four characters, each a different species of Traveler: Aliens, Robots, Reptilians, and Zombies. Within the collection, there will be a single, custom made NFT of each species, called the Deity.

At its core, each NFT starts out as a simple, base-level character with a standard set of features. What makes NFTs exciting is that on top of this, there are a number of different attribute layers, each representing a location where a trait is applied. For example, the headwear attribute layer is where traits like a hat or helmet can go, and below that is the eye layer, where different traits like eye color or sunglasses would go, and so on and so forth.

Every time a new NFT is generated, one trait is randomly selected for each attribute layer in a way that guarantees these combinations will never be duplicated. Each NFT created is a unique and one-of-a-kind piece of art, including its own DNA!

The Travelers NFT collection will feature no less than 7 attribute layers and over 150 unique traits available to each Traveler, with each trait assigned a weight used to determine its likelihood of being selected (rarity). The broad range of weights between the different traits results in some being common, while others are so rare that they only appear a handful of times throughout the entire collection.

Because of differences in the eyes and mouths between species, certain traits will be made independently for each, in order to ensure quality and congruity.

Finally, there are three main backgrounds that will be common throughout the collection, with additional rare ones. The three backgrounds most commonly found are:

  • A view of space, from the vantage point of being on the surface of a different planet,
  • An apocalyptic setting with the view of a ruined city still standing in the distance,
  • Ancient Egypt, the exact details of which have not yet been determined.

We chose these backgrounds to illustrate a certain point of the story, where Travelers are ancient, interdimensional, and spiritual beings with the ability to traverse through space and time. As such, they have been everywhere and seen everything, from the construction of the Great Pyramids, to events on Earth which have yet to happen.

Apocalyptic background, warm


The Travelers NFT collection portrays an introduction, the beginning of a story told through multiple chapters. The story involves a small group of outcasts comprised of four main characters connected to one another by a shared sense of being forgotten and left behind by society, a willingness to do whatever it takes to make ends meet, and a unique set of skills that make them among the best at what they do.

Business was going well, all things considered, until one day they inadvertently find themselves cast in the middle of something much greater than themselves, the circumstances and consequences of which are of galactic proportions. It is by mere coincidence, or perhaps fate, that they are the only ones in the uniquely perfect position to receive a call that carries with it a responsibility and duty they could have never imagined, but only if they have the courage to answer it.

Right, so who is this unfortunate batch of lost souls? Well, let’s just say, they are not exactly who you’d expect to be cut out for such a mission.

  • Dr. Bennington Hamsfield III, PhD — an Alien, more commonly known as “Benny.” An expert in the fields of navigation and history.
  • Xaden, or, “little shit,” as Rocko calls him — a childish, sometimes rambunctious Reptilian. Smart, quick-witted, good with disguises, and a wizard in all things technology and programming.
  • Rocko is an experienced, rough around the edges, hard on the outside, hard on the inside, “been through it all,” type of Zombie. An expert in munitions and explosives, he may or may not have also served in the Vietnam war in another life.
  • And then there’s Ted, a Robot, and like all Robots, he has immense capabilities and is extremely powerful. Ted doesn’t have a nickname, he’s just… uhh… well… he’s Ted, unfortunately.

Anyway, our little squad here used to travel the universe in a Starship, searching the wastelands of distant and deserted planets long destroyed by wars or cosmic disasters. They were in search of one thing, and one thing only; ancient artifacts. Their operation was a simple one: lay low, avoid the authorities at all costs, and sell ancient artifacts on the black market to whoever was willing to pay the most.

That was their M.O, and they were good at it. Whatever the artifacts did, or whatever great powers they held, the squad did not care — it was strictly business to them. “If you got the cash, you got the grass,” as Rocko would say. Not sure why he would refer to ancient artifacts as grass, but then again, it’s common to not know why Rocko says a lot of the things he says.

When it comes to the artifacts, most were nothing to write home about, hardly more than glorified paper weights. But there were some artifacts that, well… let’s just say, to call them dangerous would be the understatement of the century. We’re talking about millions of years of unimaginable power and energy, all condensed into one little trinket, little more than an average sized rock, that didn’t look like much either!

It wasn’t always like this — hell, Benny was just a history professor. But when his wife fell ill and they couldn’t afford the bills, he turned to alternative means to try to get her the help she needed. Xaden was a good kid and a brilliant student, but when his parents left him at a young age, he was forced to figure out life on his own. And Rocko? Well, Rocko was a simple man. All he was trying to do was convince his ex-wife that he wasn’t the permanent nobody and loser she angrily accused him of the day she walked out the door for the final time. Ted is a little more complicated. He was born with a glitch in his system that causes him to routinely malfunction, so he couldn’t really keep a job. Most of the time, his co-workers would just make fun of him.

They were an unlikely company of outcasts, each with their own story, and each turned cosmic black market arms dealer for their own reasons. And that was the squad, our squad, and that‘s just what they did. That is, until one day while exploring the ruins of a distant and long-forgotten planet, their ship was stolen. Of course, it was Ted who had the duty of keeping watch and guarding the ship that day, but, I mean, it’s… well… Anyway, now the four of them are on a mission to find their lost ship, the valuable artifacts left on it, and do whatever it takes to get it back.

What in GOD’S NAME is that ugly thing?

Ambitions For the Project

An introduction to the world and story, Travelers is the first in a series of collections that will be launched under an umbrella of the same name, with each one telling more of the story.

As a perk of being an early supporter, Traveler holders will enjoy access and opportunities not available to the public. Some of these perks include whitelisting, giveaways, discounts, and early access to new projects before the public gets a chance to see them. In addition, there will be exclusive collections only available to Traveler holders.

Beyond our roadmap, which is available in our Discord and on our website, we are carefully considering the following things we want to implement long into the future:

  • The creation of a brand, which Travelers and all future collections would fall under.
  • Integrate methods of profit sharing.


Travelers is a fun and unique project that is packed with original artwork, story, and humor, set to start its journey on the Oasis Emerald Paratime. The team chose the Oasis Network because it is a young and vibrant ecosystem just starting its journey, like us, and because of the network’s unique values, capabilities, and mission. The team has been ROSE holders and actively involved in the communities flourishing within the Oasis ecosystem for a long time, and we couldn’t imagine making our home anywhere else.

In closing, we make the following commitments:

  • We will always remain steadfast, loyal, faithful, and true to the community, for now, and forever.
  • We will always fight to do what is right by the community, and dutifully follow the path of that which is in our shared best interest.
  • We will strive to do nothing but bring honor and integrity to the Oasis ecosystem, in everything that we do.

And if you don’t know, now you know!

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See you soon!

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Travelers NFT

Travelers is an NFT project on the Oasis Network’s Emerald Paratime.