Blockchain Vs Dag Block Algorithm

Travelflexcoin OFFICIAL
1 min readDec 9, 2017


The algorithm behind TravelFlex

Not only Travelflex will disrupt the travel industries but thanks to the technologies developed on a complete new algorithm and adapted to Travelflex payment system, we are going to radically transform the cryptocurrency industry.

Merits & Demerits of Blockchain


1- Decentralization. No central administrator.

2- Transparency & immutability. Public blockchains are publicly viewable.

3- No intermediaries, no overhead, low transaction costs.


1- Data size/performance & scalability limit of block-size, along with consensus mechanism adds to necessity of more computing power.

2- Energy consumption: substantial amount of computing power = use of more energy.

3- Dependent on Parent Block: If somehow the Parent block to Child block connection gets disrupted, then the link/chain is broken.

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Single Source Shortest Paths with Example

TravelFlex coin -TRF - will be converted on a new dag based algorithm which will solve the scalability issues that other coins have.

More info at:


White Paper:

