How to use the TRF wallet chat function

Travelflexcoin OFFICIAL
2 min readNov 8, 2018


With both the TRF desktop and mobiles wallets, it is possible to chat with other users via their wallets and request or make payments through the chat. In this guide, we will show you how this works.

First, go to PAIRED DEVICES in the main menu. You can add a new device (another wallet) by clicking on the “+” in the upper right corner. You can either invite another device or accept an invitation from another device.

To invite another device, click on INVITE THE OTHER DEVICE. You will see a QR code and a pairing code. Someone else will be able to scan your QR code with his or her device and add your device, or you can send your pairing code to the other person.

To accept an invitation, click on ACCEPT INVITATION FROM THE OTHER DEVICE. Here you can enter the pairing code you have received from the other person, or you can use your camera to scan another’s QR code. To scan the QR code, simply click on the icon in the upper right corner.

You will be paired with the other device and can start chatting.

To request a payment, click on the “+” sign next to your text box and click REQUEST PAYMENT. You will be asked to fill in a specific amount. Fill in the amount and click on REQUEST PAYMENT. You will see the payment request in your text box (the amount you have entered and your TRF wallet address). After checking this information, you can send the message.

The other person will receive the payment request and he or she can click on it. This will prompt a payment, where the amount of TRF and the receiver’s address are already filled in. The sender simply needs to verify the information and click on SEND to make the payment. Once he or she has paid, another underlined message will be sent which will include the payment information.

To learn more about TravelFlex visit our website: or download the mobile wallet directly from the Play Store:

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