Greater galangal (Kha) — Alpinia galanga (also known as Thai galangal or Siamese ginger)

Hua Hin Services
2 min readNov 15, 2023
Greater galangal (Kha) — Alpinia galanga (also known as Thai galangal or Siamese ginger)
  1. **Appearance:** Greater galangal has a knobby and aromatic rhizome that resembles ginger but has a distinct pinkish-brown skin. The flesh is hard and white.

2. **Flavor and Aroma:** Thai galangal has a unique flavor that is pungent, citrusy, and slightly spicy. It adds a distinctive and aromatic element to Thai dishes. The taste is often described as a combination of ginger and citrus, but with a more complex and peppery profile.

3. **Culinary Uses:** Galangal is a key ingredient in Thai cuisine, especially in soups, curries, and stir-fries. Tom Yum soup or Tom Kha (Gai), for example. It is commonly used in red and green curry pastes as well.

4. **Medicinal Uses:** In traditional medicine, galangal has been used for its potential medicinal properties. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and digestive benefits. However, it’s essential to note that scientific research on these potential health benefits is ongoing.

When using galangal in cooking, it is typically peeled and sliced or minced before being added to dishes. It’s important to note that while galangal and ginger are related, they have distinct flavors, and substituting one for the other may alter the taste of a dish.

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Hua Hin Services

Enhancing Experiences in Hua Hin, PrachuabKhiriKhan, Thailand