Lansium domesticum — Longkong tree

Hua Hin Services
1 min readDec 2, 2023


Lansium domesticum — Longkong tree

Lansium domesticum is commonly known as longkong or langsat. It is a tropical fruit tree native to Southeast Asia, and it belongs to the family Meliaceae. Longkong is well-regarded for its sweet and aromatic fruit, which is also called longkong.

The longkong fruit is small, round, and has a thin, yellowish to light brown peel. The flesh is translucent, juicy, and segmented, with a sweet and slightly tangy flavor. The fruit is typically enjoyed fresh.
Longkong fruits are usually harvested when fully ripe. The thin peel is removed to reveal the edible segments, which are then consumed fresh.
Longkong is primarily enjoyed as a fresh fruit. It is popular in various Southeast Asian desserts, salads, and snacks. The fruit is sometimes compared to other tropical fruits like langsat (Lansium parasiticum) and duku (Lansium domesticum var. duku), which are closely related.

Longkong is appreciated not only for its delicious taste but also for its cultural and culinary significance in the regions where it is grown. It’s worth noting that there are variations of Lansium domesticum, such as different cultivars or varieties, each with its own specific characteristics.

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