Winged bean - ถั่วพู (thuaw phu) - Psophocarpus tetragonolobus

Hua Hin Services
2 min readNov 12, 2023


Winged bean — ถั่วพู (thuaw phu) — Psophocarpus tetragonolobus

See our vegan dish: Pad Kra Pao Thuaw Phu

Winged bean, known as “ถั่วพู” (thuaw phu) in Thai, is an interesting and versatile vegetable used in Thai cuisine. Here’s some information about winged beans in Thailand and their use in Thai cooking:

1. Description:
- Winged bean is a tropical legume with distinctive square-shaped pods with four frilly “wings” running along the edges.
- The entire plant is edible — pods, leaves, flowers, seeds, and even the tuberous roots can be consumed.

2. Cultivation in Thailand:
- Winged beans grow well in Thailand’s tropical climate.
- They are often grown in home gardens and small farms throughout the country.

3. Nutritional value:
- Winged beans are highly nutritious, containing protein, vitamins (especially vitamin A and C), minerals, and fiber.
- They are sometimes called a “supermarket on a stalk” due to their nutritional completeness.

4. Use in Thai cuisine:
- Young pods: These are the most commonly used part in Thai cooking. They’re often stir-fried, used in curries, or eaten raw in salads.
- Stir-fry dishes: A popular preparation is simply stir-frying sliced winged beans with garlic, oyster sauce, and sometimes pork or shrimp.
- Yam Tua Poo: A spicy winged bean salad that combines sliced winged beans with coconut milk, shrimp, and a spicy dressing.
- Nam Prik: Winged beans can be served raw as part of a vegetable platter accompanying various Thai chili dips (nam prik).
- Curries: They can be added to Thai curries for extra texture and nutrition.

5. Flavor and texture:
- Young pods have a crisp texture and a mild, slightly sweet flavor.
- When cooked, they retain their crunchiness, making them popular in stir-fries.

6. Availability:
- In Thailand, winged beans are available in local markets, especially during their peak season from late summer to early winter.
- However, they can often be found year-round due to Thailand’s climate.

7. Cultural significance:
- While not as prominent as some other vegetables in Thai cuisine, winged beans are appreciated for their versatility and nutritional benefits.
- They represent the resourcefulness of Thai cooking, where many parts of a single plant can be utilized in various dishes.

Winged beans showcase the diversity of ingredients in Thai cuisine and the creative ways Thai cooks incorporate local, nutritious vegetables into their dishes. If you’re interested in trying them, look for recipes for “ผัดถั่วพู” (pad thua phu) for a simple stir-fry, or “ยำถั่วพู” (yam thua phu) for the spicy salad version.

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Winged bean — ถั่วพู (thuaw phu) — Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
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Hua Hin Services

Enhancing Experiences in Hua Hin, PrachuabKhiriKhan, Thailand