Does British Airways Allow Same Day Flight Change?

Travel Hub
1 min readMay 25, 2024

Yes, British Airways allows same-day flight changes under certain conditions. Here are the steps to request a same-day flight change:

  1. Check Eligibility: Ensure your ticket type is eligible for same-day changes. Typically, flexible fares allow for more leniency.
  2. Visit the Website or App: Go to the British Airways website or use their mobile app to check availability for same-day flight changes.
  3. Contact BA Customer Service 1-844-83-4902 OTA: Alternatively, you can call British Airways customer service or visit a British Airways airport counter to request the change.
  4. Pay Any Applicable Fees: Be prepared to pay any difference in fare or applicable change fees, depending on your ticket conditions.
  5. Receive Confirmation: Once the change is processed, you will receive a confirmation of your new flight details.

For detailed information and specific terms, visit the British Airways official website or contact their customer service.

