History of What is now — Paris
The Parisii (Paris) | Etymology of Paris | History of Paris
Parisii was a Celtic iron age tribe that lived in the middle of Seine during the 3rd century until the Roman era.
According to Wiktionary:
Etymology — Parisi in Gaulish: Gaulish was the language spoken by Celtic people in 6th Century BC to 6th century AD.
According to Wikipedia:
Gaulish was an ancient Celtic language that was spoken in parts of Europe before and during the period of the Roman Empire.
According to a Transceltic
The word Paris derived from Parisii — the Celtic people who were the first tribe started living on the bank of River Seine.
The iron age tribe named Parisii started living in the center of River Seine on an island from the middle of the 3rd century until the Roman era. The word Paris drove from their tribe name Parisii to what is now called Paris.