I travel and create useful content for other travelers. I love warm climate, fruits, snorkeling - so I will be mostly in warm countries like Thailand and Philippines. But in the future I would like to visit different continents - North and South America, Africa, to get to know the life of people in different parts of the planet. My website is

You can support me, by buying me a coffee: Patreon and Buy Me A Coffee.

I work as a marketer, website developer, advertising manager and SEO optimizer, I program in Python, JS, PHP. I also have a blog about programming and IT, guitars.

I like blogging about traveling because for me it is not only a way to share my impressions and emotions, but also a way to consolidate my knowledge in programming, website development and promotion. In this way I develop in several areas at once.

Subscribe if you want to support my cause. You can also support me by signing up on other social media networks: Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit, Mastodon, Minds. You can find our photos at 500px, Imgur, Behance, Flickr, Pexels, Slides and Unsplash. Also you can read my posts in, Substack (future), LinkedIn (future).

I travel and create content for travelers. I love warm climate. My website is, and