Travel to Nelliyampathy Hills and experience the sight of the State Bird of Kerala : The Great Indian Hornbills.

7 min readApr 19, 2017


I planned a perfect weekend to visit the secret land of a mighty bird the Great Indian Hornbill. Nelliyampathy, a small hill station is near to Palakkad. This travel was very special in many ways. First, it was a travel, long promised with my friend Gitanjali; another it was the first time that I was travelling with a group, in which most of them were strangers. Well, these strangers come from a group of travel enthusiasts who join together during weekend to trek the less explored places of Kerala. The group is known as Hiking Association of India, an active one in both Facebook and whats app and I strongly recommend this group to you. Safe and No non sense group.

Our journey was planned for 2 days and our trip started off from Kaloor Stadium, Kochi. A bus was arranged for the travel, we did have a few of the travellers hopping in en route as the route taken was closer to their homes. We halted for breakfast at the Indian Coffee House. Well, the place was crowded with people munching over yummy dosa and idlies and hot brewed coffee and can be considered as the best stopover to freshen before the uphill journey. I had my ghee roast and the usual strong coffee. Gitanjali and myself also got few supplies of chocolates and biscuits to keep us energized in the bus. The bus had all kinds of people. People from different backgrounds, age, experiences and profession but with one direction in mind, to explore and to travel. That was the common string that tied us together. In the beginning all were quiet. Well it’s a bus and you know none; slowly the music started and kids started making some noise and danced to the tune , next the back seat boys cracked some jokes. Then it was non stop, literally the elders had to shut us up.

We reached the place — the Nelliyampathy forest range office by around 04.00 pm in the evening. On the way, we did stop at a beautiful location near to a tea estate and sat near a cliff staring at the ever green mountains.

Stay in a Tent in the Forest Range

After reaching the range office, the group started fixing the tents. We had around 10 tents of different sizes, accommodating 2, 4, 6 etc. Gitanjali and me settled for a 4 person tent.Once the tent was set, we went for an evening walk to the nearby forest area. This area as the forest officials told us, was visited by a tusker just a day before our visit. Well I was not scared, but excited with the prospect of seeing one.

On our way, a few of the boys from this group joined us. We all gelled so fast, maybe because the only companion was the humans apart from the tuskers. During the walk, we found really really tall trees, at times the thought it being a 100-year-old, mesmerised me. We saw big black monkeys with white tails, wild honey combs and large trees which covered the sky like a veil with its green leaves. This walk with my newly made friends Varun, Vibin Chettan and others made me hear a new name — Vezambal. Oh my god, as soon as I heard this name, i simply fell in love with it. It was such a beautiful name. It just gave me a thought that i am going to see something very beautiful, in the skies. Vibin Chettan told me that seeing one is very lucky. Even though our walk did not bring us much luck, I assured him that i will find him one the next day. Quickly i looked at the sky and made my secret pact with Jesus, asking innocently to show us one the next day morning. After the walk, we all went to a natural pool close to the camping area. The water was very cold and i screamed really loud when i made my first dip, and all the hopes of seeing the Vezambal was gone. I was just focusing on staying in the water without shivering, of course hugging Gitanjali with shivering teeth. Evening was cold, but was made cozy with hot hot soup, camp fire, lots of music and lovely people of HAI.

In search of the most beautiful bird — The Great Indian Hornbill

Early morning Gitanjali got up by 05.00 am and I lazily followed her by 05.30 am. We had our breakfast with a view of Monkeys all around just waiting for us to shift our eye focus so that they too have a lovely breakfast. After the breakfast, our long determined wish to see the Hornbill heightened and Gitanjali, Varun , Vibin Chettan and me set out on our journey to the mystic forest. The tall trees gave me a feel that I was in Jurassic world, I felt so small. I felt like Mowgli with an urge and a feeling to get lost in this forest and the thought of how I would survive. Varun and me walked in front, I was very particular that i walk in front as i knew it might give me chances of sighting something. We were very quite. It was the first time that i am actually looking out in the trees for birds. Hornbill is the State bird of Kerala. This bird associates with our State much more than all the other birds. I was wondering if any of our kids/ children that we know or even the adult have seen this bird out in the wild. We made our long walk, but no bird was in sight. The forest was getting denser and denser and we were worried if the others in the group might be searching us. We thought we might not see any vezambal that day. We thought maybe its not there on this side of the forest. We decided half mindedly that we shall return. Thats when I made a small prayer again, to show me one Vezambal; please sweet Jesus. A few steps ahead i got the first sight, it wasnt 1 or 2, it was a group of horn bills, maybe 6 or more sitting on a tree. We could see the tree from a distance. It was in an open space on a tree called flame of the forest as a land mark. We went closer, with absolute silence, nearing to it.

Flap !!! The magnanimous birdie flapped close to our head, Flap, Flap !!!! the mighty large birds, oh my god. No camera can show you the beauty of it, no video can capture the feel of it. It was as if an Helicopter was flying above us. It was majestic. I thanked god. I have seen Vezhambal, the great Indian Hornbill, in its home. Made our way back, and we were mesmerized, happy and loved the nature a lot more.

Trek which was the main part of this trip started after our morning sight seeing. We covered around 16 km in dense forest, and reached on top with some amazing views. Nelliyampathy offered us views of the forest as well. We had our lunch in the forest and returned our way back.

Reaching back to the tent, we freshened up for our return, packed our stuff and got ready in the bus. By this time, we had become so close that we didn’t want to leave. Again numerous stories, laughter played around in the bus.

I am really thankful to HAI ( Raju chettan and Madhu Chettan ) for this initiative and bringing all of us together. Nature needs people like you. Aby, Ashique, Vibin, Varun, Sandhya Chechi, Sreekanth and Gitanjali, thank you for making this trek super special.

Simple steps for an amazing trek

  • Register in HAI ( facebook page ) for Trek / Travel updates in Kerala — If you need more information, leave a comment or message.
  • Make your children see the State Bird of Kerala and see for yourself ” The Great Indian Hornbill in the Nelliyampathy hills of Kerala ”
  • Travel with strangers once in your life, its a great learning experience by itself.
  • Spend a night in the tent
  • Trek a mountain with your best friend and enjoy the view from the top.

Experience Contributor

Sunny Day

