Book Summary: “The Three-Body Problem” by Cixin Liu

5 min readApr 9, 2024

Embarking on a journey through Cixin Liu’s “Remembrance of Earth’s Past” trilogy, starting with “The Three-Body Problem,” invites us into a universe teeming with complexity, both in its narrative depth and the philosophical questions it poses. This is no ordinary summary; rather, it’s a gateway into a world where science fiction intertwines with the most profound human dilemmas, set against a backdrop that stretches from the tumultuous Cultural Revolution to the farthest reaches of the cosmos. As we navigate through the epic saga, we uncover layers of intrigue, ethical conundrums, and a narrative arc so captivating it demands we reconsider our place in the universe. Prepare to be intrigued, for what lies ahead is a tale that transcends the boundaries of traditional storytelling, offering a glimpse into a future that is as bewildering as it is awe-inspiring.

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Chapter Summaries

The Cultural Revolution and Ye Wenjie’s Ordeal
The novel begins during China’s Cultural Revolution, a period of intense socio-political upheaval. Ye Wenjie witnesses her father’s brutal death at the hands of the Red Guards, a trauma that deeply influences her views on humanity and the universe. Her eventual recruitment into a top-secret military project called Red Coast sets the stage for Earth’s first contact with an alien civilization.

The Present Day and Wang Miao’s Investigation
Fast forward to the present day, we meet Wang Miao, a nanomaterials researcher, who becomes embroiled in a global investigation into a series of mysterious suicides among scientists. His discovery of the “countdown” phenomenon, where he sees a countdown appear in his vision, propels him deeper into a conspiracy that spans Earth and the stars.

The Three-Body Problem Game
Wang Miao is introduced to a virtual reality game titled “Three-Body,” which simulates the chaotic environment of a planet with three suns. The game serves as both a recruitment tool and a method of indoctrination for the Earth-Trisolaris Movement, a group of Earthlings sympathetic to the cause of the Trisolarans, the alien civilization from the unstable three-sun system.

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Revelations and Confrontations
As Wang Miao, along with the police officer Shi Qiang and other allies, delves deeper, they uncover the truth about the Trisolarans who, facing the destruction of their home planet, plan to invade Earth. Ye Wenjie, having sent a message to Trisolaris decades ago, regrets her actions, recognizing too late her idealistic folly in seeking salvation for humanity from an external source.

Themes and Analysis

Cixin Liu masterfully intertwines hard science fiction with historical and philosophical insights, questioning the nature of human civilization, the potential for coexistence with alien life, and the ethical considerations of scientific advancement. The “Three-Body Problem” not only serves as a plot device but also symbolizes the unpredictability and chaos of human existence and the universe at large.

The Cultural Revolution backdrop provides a poignant commentary on the dark side of human nature and the dangers of unchecked ideology, a theme that resonates through the actions and motivations of both human and alien characters throughout the series.

Beyond “The Three-Body Problem”

“The Three-Body Problem” is the first book in the “Remembrance of Earth’s Past” trilogy, followed by “The Dark Forest” and “Death’s End,” each expanding on the universe Liu has created with escalating stakes and complexity.

In “The Dark Forest,” Liu introduces the concept of the “Cosmic Sociology” and the “Dark Forest Theory,” which posits that civilizations in the universe hide their existence to avoid being destroyed by more advanced civilizations. This grim outlook shapes humanity’s strategy for dealing with the impending Trisolaran invasion.

“Death’s End” takes readers on a journey through time, exploring the universe’s far future and humanity’s place within it. The novel delves into themes of sacrifice, the persistence of love and memory, and the ultimate fate of the cosmos, concluding the trilogy on a note that is both haunting and profound.

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“The Remembrance of Earth’s Past” trilogy is a monumental work of science fiction that challenges readers to think deeply about humanity’s place in the universe, the nature of civilization, and the moral implications of technological advancement. Through the lens of a complex interstellar conflict, Liu Cixin explores themes of societal upheaval, the potential for coexistence with the “other,” and the enduring quest for understanding in a universe that may be indifferent, or even hostile, to our very existence.

As an expert storyteller, Liu Cixin weaves a tale that spans the microscopic to the cosmic, making “The Three-Body Problem” and its sequels not just stories of alien contact but profound reflections on the human condition.

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