Fuel Maintenance of A Boat

Travel Tipser
2 min readAug 23, 2015


While you are reading this your boat is probably resting at some boat storage of Orange County. When did you last take care of her? If you are not sincere on those then you should be. And the first to do should be check and change the oil if it’s too old. And here I will show you some tips about oil changing.

Engine manufacturers typically advocate an oil change every 100 hours of running time, and at minimal once a year. 100 engine hours between oil changes is suitable fuel engines, but diesel engines are much harder on their lubrication. So you should replace the oil in a diesel engine every 50 hours. The shorter measure is especially for sailors who use their engines for only a period or two per holiday. If your boat is unemployed for a while-over the season, then it is probably crying to shift the dirty oil and stuff the engine with un-contaminated oil.

What to Do

1: Before you start an oil alteration, the engine should be hot. Warm oil is easier to suck through a rubber pipe but the requirements for functional the engine is more vital than that. You are replacing the oil because it is infected with disagreeable and chemical impurities. But the contaminated oil is similar to dirty water. If you pass the cold oil then the dirt settles to the tank bottom. So, warm up the engine first.

2: If you are pumping out the old oil, the most favorable tool is likely a plastic milk jug. Uses a socket wrench to withdraw a feed persevere. Now remove the socket from your ratchet. Used as equivalent as a nut

utility, this part will let you remove the plug without dropping it into the container.

3: Use a pick-up toy inserted through the dipstick tubing to pull the oil. Most pick-up tubes are market with oil-change meter. This is available from most utility or boat accessories store. Or you can just a milk jar like I mentioned earlier. Buy the maximal tube that is a slew fit into your dipstick tube, typically not smaller than 5/16 progress. An 11/32 structure slides easily into my boat. Still be sure the tubing is extendable enough to get to the end of the engine’s oil pan.

Make proper use of oil-absorbent pads when debilitating and stuffing engine oil. And maintain other safety precautions also with it. Remember that a flush of a spark nearby you’re can cost you badly. But don’t let that prevent you from do it yourself jobs, just like William Shakespeare said, “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”

-Miranda McCarthy

