How I Built Travel Trex from the Ground Up

Abdul Ali T P
2 min readJan 4, 2024


My travel story starts with spreadsheets, chai-stained dreams, and a healthy dose of “what the hell?” I, Abdul Ali, MBA extraordinaire, found myself staring down the barrel of unemployment after four years abroad juggling spreadsheets in corporate purgatory.

Instead of chasing another soulless suit, I took a $50 leap of faith into a tiny travel company. It was humbling, sure. Photocopying, brewing endless cups of chai, and learning the industry from the ground up, one budget airline ticket at a time. Two years of hustle later, I craved that familiar foreign thrill, but the universe had other plans.

Job hunting abroad? More like dodging rejection grenades. Back home, January 2020 brought me face-to-face with a brand new curveball: a global pandemic. Some might crumble, but I saw an opportunity. With the world on pause, I devoured travel articles, researched trends, and strategized like a nomad mastermind. My travel company dream, once a flickering candle, roared back to life with the ferocity of a pre-flight anxiety attack.

In October 2022, Travel Trex took flight. No million-dollar VC funding, just raw passion, local knowledge, and a willingness to break the mold. We’re not your cookie-cutter package tour operator. We craft bespoke itineraries, hand-tailored to wanderlust hearts, curated with the insider secrets only a seasoned traveler like me could know.

Sure, it’s a rollercoaster. Building a business is like white-water rafting through a spreadsheet canyon, but every client’s wide-eyed wonder fuels my fire. Seeing them embark on adventures I helped design, that’s my gold.

Forget the MBA pedigree, forget the corporate ladder. I’m an explorer, a maverick navigating uncharted waters with a smile and a chai in hand. This is my middle finger to the status quo, my love letter to the open road, and an invitation to every dreamer out there.

If you’re feeling lost, remember, sometimes the greatest journeys start with a wrong turn. So chase your horizons, embrace the detours, and never underestimate the power of a $50 leap of faith. Buckle up, folks, Travel Trex is just getting started, and the view from here is breathtaking.

#travelpreneur #startuplife #againstallodds #nomadlife #beyondthebrochure

