Review: ‘Geography of the Middle East, an ancient and modern crossroads’

Traverse Anastasia
2 min readJun 1, 2018


We, the citizens of European countries to do not really realize the wealth of Middle East. The Middle East has become so economically developed due to a lot of circumstances. All of them are listed in this article.

To begin with, Middle East have always connected Europe and “Far East”. It gained its popularity 5000 years ago. Since that times people created a lot of routes, which helped to bring new products into the European market. Due to geographical pros, Middle East is famous for its fertile soil. Consequently , a lot of products were grown there, which started to be in a great demand later. But it is not all about soil. Mountain ranges helped different nationalities to isolate themselves from each other. The fact that Middle East is also famous for its religious wars I also well known to everybody. But not all of people know that this provoked France and Great Brittan to stay on these lands and to start up different manufactures. So there is no wonder why there are so many spheres developed in these countries. People do a big variety of work there: from fishing to car manufacturing. The big population make the industrial progress even easier. At last , the Middle East gained the name like that , because it has always been like a bridge between Near Est and Far East . It role has slightly changed through ages, but it is still a one of the most places of industrial progress.

To conclude, I really liked the author expressed all the information. The article is well- structured, which make it easier to pick up the useful facts for ourselves. The main idea of that article is the brief history of how the Middle East managed to become so in demand so much.

