Zombie Town

Tonally inconsistent and terrible

Traverse Davies
Reviews of the Dead
4 min readJul 14, 2019


Image copyright the author — I would have used one from the movie, but I don’t hate you all

How I suffer for you my loyal readers, how I suffer.

This has been a busy week, so my Review of the Dead was a bit late. I’m doing a movie called Zombie Town. I think this movie is supposed to be horror-comedy. I’m not sure though, as it’s hard to tell if the jokes are intentional or accidental.


Not sure if this qualifies as a plot. There are parasites. They make their hosts act like zombies. They hit a bunch of people in a cabin. They spread via bites and take complete control of the host by attaching to the spine. They reproduce quickly.

A hapless mechanic and his brother check out the cabin. The brother is bitten and taken to town. The parasites break out of his body and start infecting people. Meanwhile, at the bingo hall, an old woman who if infected starts spreading the parasites to everyone else.

The mechanic has started hanging out with his ex, a biological researcher who left town. They find the parasites along with the town snow-plow driver. They discover that salt kills the parasites.

They rescue a few people, but most of the town is infected. The few they rescue, including Randy, end up infected. Randy saves Jake at the last minute.



Traverse Davies
Reviews of the Dead

I do survival, self-publishing consultation, and writing. Check out my blog: https://dreamtime.logic11.com